ISKCON Education Journal

7 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B

HpS - AGTSP. We have just read RGD's excellent letter. We agree with everything except we are still squirming on making it a Journal for all of ISKCON Education. We really, really, really feel that it should be a Western Hemisphere, USA Canada, English language journal, that includes ISKCON news and views from the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world.

This is a view from my perspective on the elephant, the backside.

I think that will make it work, make other Continents work and then from that chorus of maybe five Journals we will get an overarching Journal.

We are humorously fanatical about this, but don't think it should really adversely influence the production of the Journal. We are going to do this and our copy will be ready for our circle as the related date copy of our "Kapi Dhvaja".

We will write to the participants of the Seattle Symposium for short sumarries of their presentations with references for more information if any readers wish to contact them.

RGD - Can you contact, twist the tails, of the two other working groups: Accreditation and Curriculum Development, for their reports for the Journal?

Again we hit the USA 27th September running and should be able to talk on phone by that time. This Journal will be wonderful.


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From: Ramanan Nagarajan <[email protected]>
To: 'Vinode Vitthala' <[email protected]
Cc: 'HpS (HHR)' <[email protected]>; 'Sesa Prabhu' <[email protected]>; 'Jagad Guru Das' <[email protected]>; 'Nrtya Kisori' <[email protected]>; 'Indira Meshram' <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: ISKCON Education Journal

Dear Prabhuji,


Hare Krishna. Dandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I had a call with Hanumat Presak Maharaj sometime ago. We are happy to have Mukunda Datta Prabhu being part of the team for editing and related services for the journal. We were only considering that he is presently in India (that’s what maharaj told). So we should clarify and also be prepared that whilst he is part of the team, we would keep moving forward with our publishing just in case if we are NOT able to get Mukunda Datta Prabhu’s involvement due to time constraints. This is in the case of first journal, and since we will be publishing every quarter we can engage him in the future issues as well.

We also discussed the following:

  • First issue will be a printed and also e-version (which we had discussed) but then we will do the printing regionally. For India, Ramgiridhari will take care of the printing and distribution and for USA maharaj will facilitate for printing and related. Distribution shall be taken up through our appointed 3 regional representatives for USA (Gopi Geetha, Balimardan pr and Visvambara Pr). For south America Jagad Guru Prabhu will take care of the printing and distribution (both the English version of it and also a parallel Spanish version of it).


  • Maharaj is proposing the name of the magazine as “Pascatya Desa Tarine - A Journal of the ISKCON Ministry of Education”. If anyone have any other suggestions please share them here. I have few thoughts. I shall think further on this and circulate them tomorrow.
  • We have discussed that the first journal being an introductory one can cover about our (recently concluded) Seattle conference and also what we intend to do thru this journal.  We also discussed if we should restrict this journal for North America… we finally discussed and concluded (which we had also agreed before) that this shall be a single global magazine for the ISKCON’s Ministry of Education as we don’t have many team members to run continent wise magazine. If in the future we have more team who can take up regional initiatives we can facilitate them. It is important that the outline of the first magazine should be finalized.
  • I had shared with Maharaj that I have got some draft version. I shall share them shortly with everyone. I strongly urge that each of us write down our thoughts on what should go in the Journal in general and if anything specific we wish to have them in the first one.


  • We have 20 more days to wrap up the content and the layout of the journal. We are strongly desiring to launch the first journal on Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja day (August 16th 2017).



Please keep this thread active and lets consolidate our thoughts and enable the content team to finalize them asap.


Nityananda Prabhu,  I will be in Houston between August 17th and 31st. Maharaj is also planning to come to Houston then. We were wondering if either you could come to Houston during one of the days or if myself and Maharaj could come to Dallas to chalk out the rest of the 3 issues for the year. This is just a heads up. More details have to be worked out.


Finally, this journal is an important part of our Ministries activities and hence lets make it happen and network all the educational initiatives.

So the immediate TO DO List is:

  • Name for the journal – Everyone shall contribute (just in case if we need other names apart from what Maharaj has proposed)
  • Outline for the first journal – If possible nominate who will / should provide the content – Everyone can contribute for this.
  • Contacting Mukunda Datta Prabhu for being part of the editorial team – Nityananda Prabhu / Maharaj to contact him.


Your servant,

Ramgiridhari Dasa