dtc first monday in july 2053

7 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.  TB here.

Wrote this letter two times and lost it. Keyboard is on our legs and we seem to keep jumping to some other tab.

Life's like that for us. Same for you? In one of the lesser, less prestigious hells?

Here it is cold and dark and people are moving like city robots outside banging on pipes and making noise while dogs bark.

Oink! Hare Krsna.

Every evening since we came to Saintly Awgo we have been in a different venue, yoga studio, theater and always packed with intelligent people.

Devotees are so attentive but when you travel things are always different. Takes days to figure out the local dinning arrangements. We have adopted the strategy of taking breakfast with the devotees and then only hot milk in the after noon.

Sun comes up behind the clouds and Catholic hamsters beat their drums in shrouds.

We are terrified of the program Thurday on "Hamlet and Arjuna". Laksmana did a great translation of our Power Point show, but we need something much deeper to reach the kind of audience that is coming. It will be in the National Library and Raul Zurita, the national poet will be there.

Be honest. Show what you have. Let them buy BGs. Improve it if you can.

AGTSP.     The first sentence of SB, Preface is our guide, "We must know the current need of human society".

Whenever we meet anybody we have to look in their eyes. Note their gait. Pray to God in the Heart to intimate, WHAT THEY NEED. Then don't hesitate.

There is a Center. Where all our senses become energized in perfect co-ordination and we can prepare to go out and join up with the fleet. For the battle of Good and Evil.

Chile seems like a place where it can take place today. USA is plasticated.

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We answered a lot of letters. Our eyes are pretty good. This HP smart phone and external keyboard are working pretty well.

We can bathe and Parasurama Das gets our clothes washed. He is a genius. So at least we are pretty clean in hell.

Guess it is about the same for girls, even if they like designer clothes.

Krsna is the only hope.

We have absolutely no big plans at the present moment. Things are going on in the association of Peru devotees. Little light from India. USA et al.  Mexico.  At heart we are all together.

We can only do this kind of low level, 'ordinary tasks' work, for a few hours each day then we tend to die and look for some plank to keep us afloat.

That's all we have to do, no?   Stay alive with a full morning program and four principles, then ISKCON, devotees, decent folk, will ask us for help in their band.

Then maybe Krsna will arrange for us to meet with someone like our intimate selves. Maybe Himself.

It happens.

Our "Big Plan" is just to keep Srila Prabhupada's feet in our heart and pray that we don't cause him distress and try to be of service there. If that generates external knowledge then it is O.K.