ISKCON Corpus Christi

7 years, 6 months ago by aja.govinda in Calendar Development

Dear Guruji​,

Please accept my dandavat pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupad and NIOS.

Even if there are devotees in Corpus Christi or San Antonio, why are they not running preaching centers here? These are large cities in South Texas and ISKCON temples need to be opened here. I know there is a great interest in yoga and vegetariaism here. There is potential for Bhakti Yoga Centre and Govinda's restaurant. If a team of devotees is willing to come here once a month, we can start a monthly Sunday program.

HpS - There are not really any "teams of devotees". All the devotees are working people now. It depends on you Aja Govinda Das. You alone can save the universe from the forces of evil.

The devotees there are like you, and if you get some news out, just what you can do, then they will respond just like you will respond to their notices. Can you advertise or organize a single lecture at the university and get it in the university calendar etc?

I will definitely plan to come to Houston.



HpS - O.K. We text Hari-Lila Das with copy to you about Houston.