Hare Krsna.
We are in ISKCON Santiago. That knowledge helps a lot to understand who we are. We have your association, ASA Sankirtan Party.
We are trying to find Sita for Rama and give the message. Sometimes she approaches us and asks for news. Sometimes there are demons trying to catch our shadow on the way to Lanka. We need to kill them, the demonic mentality, and on.
We are using our HP Elite 3 x and our portable keyboard. It is working great. NOt having to carry a computer is very, very, great.
Long hard trip from Lima to here. Arrived at 12.30PM. Only got up in time for Mangala arati, but got a lot of Japa done and then class, Prasada, Sadhu sanga, nap, Tweeted.
Our Calendar is getting clearer.
Tonight is program at Visvannatha Das' yoga school. Now, 4.30PM, we have to bath, descend and talk with devotees, some Bhajan, Kirtan, Japa, after everything hot milk, and go to the Yoga center.
Our Japa beads are the center.
SOmetimes the keyboard get stuck and we can't type except by holding down the Cap Key.
So much thanks for all the devotees who worked on Psychology and the Sacred, and the whole program in Peru. It was so powerful and so well organized. We really cannot begin to list the all. Thank you so, so, so, much for being able to join your program.
Now our FMP, 1728+++, will let us go on developing this program.
Now we have some more time to develop our programs. Who am I??
I am defining myself in terms of these DTCs in the association of who we meet wherever we go.
We chant, we meet people, we write.
Here for 11 days. Expect good internet connection. More time for mail and writing.
Will see Patraka, Rupanuga, when we return to Peru. Looking for letters from you May have to choose them from the Titles so make them good. Catch the Monkey.