Education with ISKCO

7 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category B


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From: dhrsta >
To: "[email protected]" > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 6:32 PM
Subject: Inquire about educational area of ​​Iskcon Argentina


Hare Krsna Maharaja

Accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are well.

HpS - AGTSP!   Can only hope to die an efficient death.

My name is Dhrstaketu das a and I am serving the national board of Iskcon Argentina and we are tackling an educational project.

I have spoken with various educational devotees about educational content, as well as with Mother Isvari dd (BBS) about an organizational structure.

But for me it is important your vision about the relationship that may have the devotees teaching and the administrative area of ​​Iskcon.

What benefit can an educational department have with an administration, such as a temple commission or national board?

What benefit can the existence of a Ministry of National Education have?

What would be the administrative relationship of this Ministry of National Education with a National Board?

Any comments you wish to make Maharaja, will be welcome.

Thank you very much for your valuable contribution to this project.

His servant

Dhrstaketu das a

Villa de Merlo San Luis, Argentina

HpS - Hare Krsna. It is very nice to meet you. We thank Mother Isvari Devi Dasi for helping in this meeting. Please, please, please get into our Blog - I heard you had some difficulties but NOI 3. niscayena.  We cannot handle mail through yahoo in any quantity. The Blog is a wonderful forum. I will post this letter there. 25-more people will read it. If there are details confidential details then we can communicate confidentially. Our phone is +1 209 505 3219. That is a secret, but you can always text us.

The Ministry of Education is organized by the GBC. Its Minister is Sesa Das, very wonderful, intelligent person, lawyer, two nice daughters. Rama-giridhari Das is the Executive Secretary and myself and few others are serving as Members of the Executive Committee. We are just developing Regional Representatives.  Baladeva Das and Param-padam Das have been doing some nice work in this area for some time.

The Regional Representative is the administrative link between the Ministry and the local ISKCON educational programs. They are working to define that role and what is their service.

Of course, a National Education Minister, Ministry, is wonderful. BG, SB are full of educational programs. Sankirtan is education. We might define the areas as:

  1. Philosophy and Strategy of Education
  2. Books are the Basic - Bh. Sastri, Bh.Vaibhava etc
  3. Varna ashrama Dharma Education
  4. Early education - pre-school, kinder, primary, secondary, home schooling, Sunday school
  5. Higher Education - Studying and Teaching in the Univesities
  6. Building a Global Network.

The Ministry can help you develop all of these.

Just ne example of the relation between education and the Local Temple. If the Temple has an excellent school system for children then good Grhastas will move there even at the sacrifice of personal convenience. Then they will look for service for themselves in the Temple.

We will be producing a quarterly journal on education in Spanish starting Janmastami. If we can stay in touch then we can take your contribution.

We will be in Chile from June 6-July 12. Ambarisa Das and others are coming from Argentina so we can get a lot of work done.

So very nice to meet you.

Again please get on our Blog.

Thank you so much. Respets to all the Mahatmas in Argentina ISKCON.