Invitation to Texas A & M University Kingsville

7 years, 6 months ago by aja.govinda in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON, and NIOS.

Maharaj, I would like to humbly invite you to Texas A&M University-Kingsville for launching Solaris here, opening a student chapter of NIOS here at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and organizing an interfaith dialogue at the university. I have funds. I would like to sponsor your flight tickets. My tentative estimated budget is $1500. If you are coming from Houston, we can also use the money to book a second flight ticket for Dr. Bandhopadhyay. I would like to gain the opportunity to help promote and distribute NIOS literature here at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. The fall semester starts August 22 here and that is when most students are present here. I can start advertising but I have a group of students attending yoga or familiar with me who will definitely attend the events.

Looking forward to hosting your holiness' presence. Although I am not qualified to serve you or NIOS, it would be your kind mercy to give your divine association to me and Kingsville.
Aja-govinda Das

HpS - It is very nice to hear from you. How easy is it to visit there from Houston?