
7 years, 6 months ago by Fernanda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, maharaja please accept my obeissance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

it s been a long time since I don t write anymore but my last letter was like chaos letter, haha, and Im sorry for that last year was intense for me in many aspects but mainly my espiritual life.

now Im traveling with some devotees aroun europe and united kingdom i meet many devotees and many Gurus here the asociation is little bit diferent but i feel great. I want to thank you all your advices when I was so bad you answer me with one verse of the SB and I have that verse deep in my heart. 

Other thing is that I feel compromise with you because I told your desciples I want to take iniciation with you but at the end nothing happend and I meet other Guru here and have more comunication and relation I dont know if this is bad or if some persons are going to be mad with me.

HpS - No, is fine. We are all working in ISKCON with Srila Prabhupada as our Acharya.

but Im just trying to be sincere I dont know if this is the right way but please forgive all my ofenses

YS: Bhaktin Fernanda

HpS - Thank you. Hare Krsna. Please engage all of us in your service to Krsna.