URGENT - Last Questions about scheduele in Chile 2017

7 years, 6 months ago by jagad.guru.das in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj,

Too much news and personal thoughts to tell you but for now, I want to say thank you so much for the suggestion to participate in the Congress in Seattle. Very useful. So, now the calendar in detail again, but with specific URGENT questions:

June, 28th Wednesday: Arriving at 11.50 hrs.

June, 29th Thursday: Yoga and Ayurveda Center Dhatri

Finally, your first lecture in Chile (this Thursday) will be at the Center of Yoga and Ayurveda: Dhatri, owned, led and managed by Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur Das and her wife Gita Vali Dasi. There will be Indian dance also. The time announced is 18:30 hrs. The title of the conference is:

“The Mind ¿Friend or Monster? Perspectives of the Bhagavad Gita

Deśa : Centro Dhatri. 7 minutes walking from the Temple.

Kāla : 18.30 hrs.

Pātra : The audience will be mainly yoga people cultivated there, and from other places from Santiago.

June, 30th Friday: First Prabhupāda’s Night:

Conference: "Srila Prabhupada as our Personal Guru", like you suggested. We will promote the two Friday Prabhupada's Nights in the same poster.  This talks usually take 1 hour. From 18:40 hrs. to 19:40 hrs. The questions time is until 20 hrs.  We will try to streaming this conference with Facebook page of ISKCON Chile.

Do you have some suggestion to print something specific to give the audience there? Slokas, extracts, something.?

HpS - No, but if you want to please do it.

July, 1st Saturday: Intimate breakfast with Spiritual Family & Hindu Community in the Evening

Guru Govinda Mataji invited you to have a program in her house. You give some lectures there when the temple was closed after the earthquake,  at 2010. Now Guru Govinda manage the restaurant of the temple and she will expand her own place, so she wants to invite you there to re-inaugurate it, maybe not formally, but mystically. Is like 10 minutes from the temple, driving. I told her that your schedule is full but still I comment to her that we can arrange a breakfast like spiritual family and she’s happy with that. Are you OK with that?

HpS - Yes

On the other hand, in the evening, like I told you, Sri Nama Radha devi dasi liked the topic about the good and collaborative relationship between ISKCON and Worldwide Indian Community, in several places. But, regarding the specific title, she suggested “The Science of Krishna Consciousness”. The idea is to talk about how our bhakti yoga process is a science that never fails. How the process is perfect, and if we apply it to our life we realise how perfect it is.  Time of the lecture announced: 18:30 hrs.

Deśa : Hall for events in one the building of one Indian apartment. 30 minutes from the Temple.

Kāla : 18.00 hrs. (I don't remeber the exact timing now because my phone died, so I can't communicate with her now -over whatsapp dependence- but I will remember soon)

Pātra : Indian community living at Santiago.

HpS - Jaya!

July, 2nd Sunday: Kirtan Yoga

This is the second Sunday Feast with the new timings, and is like this:

-13:00 hrs. Restaurant

- 14:30 hrs. 2 HK Program – Kirtan Yoga.

- 16:30 hrs. Lecture

- 18:00 hrs. Kirtan

I don’t have clear yet if they will give the second (and simple) prasādam planned in the last 30 minutes of the class or after the kirtan.

Regarding the program itself, I commented you about this Kirtan Yoga program in the last post. But I want to confirm if you are agreeing to be one the kirtaniyas there. Usually is 20-30 minutes each. I ask you because sometimes we announce the kirtaniyas also. In the case, if you’re confirmed, I need to know if you would chant just Hare Krishna Maha Mantra o do you want to sing a Vaisnava song also? If you want to sing any Vaisnava song, tell us which one, so we can print that song to make that everyone sing together also.

HpS - Both, song and kirtan. Garuanga bolite habe!!

Later, in the lecture, title: "What really means Kirtan Yoga?" (not published yet, we can change it) the idea is receive some insights from you about How we can improve our mood in the kirtan, how we can chant better when we are in a group, how we can take more advantages of this kind of opportunities, and finally the risk in just chant and dance without really fix our mind in the holy name. Do you have any proposal of title to this special lecture? We don’t have too much time for announcing it, this is another reason because this post is urgent.

HpS -Is fine.  Print!

I would like to print some papers to share with both audiences (kirtan yoga and lecture). You think that there are some extracts or slokas that we must share with them there?

HpS - Adi lila chapter 7 near the beginning. We can fix details when we arrive, no?

July, 3rd Monday. Conference: 40 Years Teaching the Srimad Bhagavatam ( replicate  of Chennai Conference)

I knew about this conference from you in the Chennai Symposia about Bhagavatam. Due this Monday the Bhagavatam was the topic proposed, I thought that would be very interesting hearing your personal realisations teaching the Śrīmad Bhagavatam. Actually, We can arrange this lecture to the evening instead the morning. What do you think about it? 

Regarding you last questions about this day: Yes, is possible get some complete sets of Bhagavatam in Spanish directly from the BBT and sell them that day. About the study groups are possible. We can create the groups there. I can’t think of the system. Free study. Maybe a monthly review of one chapter with you online would encourage the devotees to organise themselves.

Deśa : Temple.

Kāla : 18.30 hrs.

Pātra : Devotees of the congregation.

HpS - Fine. O.K.


July, 4th Tuesday: Marriages from Heaven, Marriages from Hell…” Part 1.

This title was created from you last suggestion: “Marriages from Heaven, Marriages from Hell if You are both Devotees, then both of them Are Swell!". Tuesday is a program to the devotees mainly. This is the Part 1 of this program designed to grhastas devotees and the idea is to have the Part 2 the next Tuesday, your last day in Santiago.

Now, like you suggest that we can relate the "The Taming of the Shrew” to this, I’m planning that this first part of this seminar “Marriages from Heaven, Marriages from Hell…” could be you giving an introduction about this movie and what is the sastra-caksus point behind it, and then we can watch this movie all together in the main hall of the temple (the deities are not there, the restaurant is working there, actually) or in another place like the Guru Govinda’s house. Is up to you. Is a good idea to watch it with all the community invited? In any case, I already downloaded it in different languages in different qualities. Just in case  :D

Deśa : Temple.

Kāla : 18.30 hrs.

Pātra : Devotees of the congregation. Mainly, with interest in improving or start their married life.

HpS -O--.K.

July, 5th Wednesday:  Conference: “Yogic pranayama.  The power within”

Parasurama Avatara das is organising. There is a nice poster already. He will arrange some prasādam for the audience and some booklets.

Deśa : Dojo of Judo. Near to the temple.

Kāla : 19:00 hrs.

Pātra : Main people from this dojo, in connection with the topic and other people from the martial arts. 30 people approx.

 HpS - O.K.

July, 6th Thursday. Public Conference: Two Princes: Hamlet & Arjuna

Rodrigo and I, had a personal meeting with Raúl Zurita. He can tell you more about it. But the general thing is that he's completely agreed to join you. He said that he mainly want to go to listen to you, however, he could make his contribution. And agreed put his name on the poster like with the participation of the poet Raúl Zurita. He doesn’t like so much to mention his awards. He’s very humble person but very powerful too. I could notice that despite I could understand the 75% what he was saying. Very interested in the Mahabharata.  He put clear that he’s not good talking in public, and his disease doesn’t help to that, but Rodrigo emphasis that his reading in public is too much powerfull. So he said that he can read some extracts after your presentation and previous your final conclusions.

Despite everything, He asked us if is possible to have a lunch with you the same day of the conference (he will arrive in Chile just one day before). He recommended a vegetarian restaurant near to everywhere; Biblioteca, his house and temple, called “El Huerto”. Abhimanyu Das worked there and he said that he will reserve the whole second floor for us with the condition to have to bring 6 people there. And they allow that you can bring your own food.

Deśa : Biblioteca Nacional. Teleconferencing is difficult here. The place is very old and they don’t give all the facilities. Is the biggest hall, so “ with that is enough”  but Rodrigo will ask them anyway.

Kāla : 18:45 hrs.

Pātra : Literature world, VIP contacts from previous events like Raúl Zurita and people registered formally trough Facebook, with a form that we made.

HpS - O.K. We already wrote to him and hope that we can do a very USEFUL program together!!

In connection to your last questions. No movement to get the Cine Arte Alameda this year to show "The Taming of the Shrew" there, but good idea to the next year. Another thing, We need to do somethings special to make this a part of the "Art and the Sacred" Symposium, Lima 2018?

July, 7th Friday. Conference: Prof. C. G. Jung and the Bhagavata, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Conference: "Prof. C. G. Jung and the Bhagavata, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami" like you suggested, and like a series of classes about Prabhupāda in the two Fridays. 

How can we sell the books this night? Can you sign some of them?

Deśa : Temple

Kāla : 18:30 hrs.

Pātra : Devotees of the congregation and students of psychology near to the temple.

July, 8th Saturday: Co-Inspiration Meeting

We had troubles with the place for this Co-Inspiration program  (Before Reconciliation and some devotees convinced me to transform in something more friendly).  Check the whole thing doesn’t allow me to focus just on one thing.

But the general idea is:

First part: One Workshop to introduce everybody in a relaxed way and then, divided into groups, to share their feelings about the diagnosis of us like a community.

Second part: Talk by Hanumatpresaka Swami about the importance to have a pro-active view of our movement and that, despite the problems, always there is space to make our humble contribution to the Prabhupada’s movement and organisation.

Third Part: Always in the same groups, chose the main problem among they identified, and create a project to resolve it with the agile technics and tools that the professionals use currently in the innovation field.

Fourth Part: Lunch.

Fifth Parts: Presentation of Final Projects with elevator pitch structure.

Do you have a suggestion to print something?

July, 9th Sunday: Sunday Feast

You asked us what is the topic that Arjuna Das wanted to this Sunday Feast, and he suggested: “The importance of the children in our movement”.

Im not connected to know what is happening with the initations with the local authorities. But if there are initiations, this is the day scheduled for.

July, 10th Monday. Public Conference: Carl Jung and Mystic India.

Bhakta Carlos Rauld is part of the team now and he’s very active. He’s trying to get some interviews for you on the TV and he got this place. “La Corporación” is a very honoured place located in one of the little rich neighbourhoods in Santiago. Krishna Sambandha has played there several times.

Deśa : Corporación Cultural de Las Condes.

Kāla : 18:45 hrs.

Pātra : We have 100 tickets that they give us and we will use an online form on the Dharma Comunicaciones web page also, and we will invite people from the Psychology world. The corporation distributes the other 67 tickets. Abhimanyu and Soledad got a database and they help with that.

July, 11th Tuesday: Marriages from Heaven, Marriages from Hell…” Part 2.

This is the last lecture and second and last part of the seminarian to the grhastas devotees. You suggested that we can get connected with the Grhastha Vision Team and integrate with the Seattle Symposium results. Maybe we can get some of the material and translate to Spanish to the devotees who attend this second part of this seminarian. You think that is possible?

July, 12th Wednesday: Good bye!


Please, Gurudev, excuse the extension of this calendar again but I couldn’t be more concise. I prefer to give you details and make specific question because we are not first class servants yet, so we depend absolutely on your feedback and opinions.

I hope that you bring accurate clothes to the Chilean winter. You know always is bad, but is a little harder this year. We can get special clothes if you need. Please, let us know.

Thank you very much for your effort and visit us.

Your aspirant to servant,

Jagad Guru Dāsa.

HpS - We did not give comments on the last part because seems fine in general and it will better to talk about it in person when we arrive!  Leaving now with National Library.  Super Sankirtan, Chile!