Understanding "tattvatah"

7 years, 7 months ago by Bishal Singha in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- Lettuce feet. AGTSP!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Hope you are in good health. My father prays unto your lotus feet for darshan during your India visit(if possible atleast a few days' visit to the North East or he may personally come to have your association).

We published the plan.  You saw it?

Guru Maharaj, I apologise and beg for forgiveness if my letters create a nuisance in your tight schedules of seva.

No!  They are good questions to many people read then dialog. We hope it is useful to you.

Guru Maharaj, I have been scratching my head over the term "tattvatah" in B.Gita 4.9. Now Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport ".... One who can understand the truth of the appearance of the Personality of Godhead.." ; "... One has to understand this fact with conviction.."  Also devotees in general say tattvatah means to know factually. What does "knowing factually" mean? Referring to 18.55 where Lord Krsna unequivocally asserts only His devotees can understand Him, to me it feels knowing in fact is like how the mother of Donald Trump would know her son, his psychology, inclinations, abilities, likes and dislikes; and not just the knowledge of Donald Trump as The President. Simply put, there is a difference in knowing Krsna and knowing about Krsna. The former requires a personal relationship and the latter is just fact-finding. (I still feel there something's more as I am not satisfied yet) Please give me your opinion.

Also proportional to one's tattvic understanding, I think an equivalent amount of reciprocation should exist between the aspiring devotee and The Lord. Now from scriptures we have got knowledge such as ("I am not this body,  I am eternal servant of Krsna etc). Nevertheless, we continue acting on the bodily platform. So certainly such theoretical knowledge cannot be termed as tattvic understanding. (why cant we act in that way despite knowing it?)Analytically seen, I think this is due to our lack of faith (100%) in such statements. If this entire chain of reasoning is correct then what is the reason for this lack of faith? Is it because Krsna is not revealed to us yet? Also Lord Krsna reveals proportionally to one's surrender and  one surrenders when one has faith on Him, isn't it? So this entire thing seems paradoxical. Is it like taking a leap of "blind" faith in surrendering to Krsna (Like hypothesis in Science) and then slowly when Krsna reveals proportionally, our faith becomes corroborated(experimental verification) which reinforces a higher degree of surrender. Guru Maharaj, please be merciful and forgive me if I causing you inconvenience.

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

Your fallen servant


HpS - ASA -- Your question is very good, but is not simple to answer in detail. That is why the same thing is mentioned many times from many persepectives, no?

Knowing that the USA is running with a certain administrative character is knowing Donald Trump as Brahman. Knowing him as the President is paramatma and knowing him in Dasya, Sakya or as you mention,Vatsalya, Madhura-rasa is Bhagavan. Really we have to come at least to Santa rasa, Maha-Visnu, before we achieve BG 4.9.. Two other Visnus are still with material component.

Faith does not mean blind faith, that is condemned. Se BG 4.34 purport. Krsna always gives us enough knowledge, but will we apply it?  That is being faithful.


Krsna is always the male, aggressor, He gives us knowledge, then we have innate ability to evaluate it. We are Sat CIT ananda.


More will come as you advance by applying what you know.

Hope very much to see you all in just a few weeks!