Shortly ask - urgent

7 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports




Send again my question. Sorry for my last long letter.

-  I've been summoned to be part in Congregational Development Committee. Gurudev, do you authorize me to do this service?  What do you think? I cannot do it without your blessings. 

Thanks for your time!


Rati Manjari Dd.

HpS - ASA --- AgtSP...  Paoho.  Thank you for shorter letter. We want to answer but our time and ability are extremely limited.

It seems like it would be O.K. to us. What could be the problem?

We always suggest: Put devotional relations before Vaisnava relations. Meaning, we can argue about things, but don't forget that we are all devotees, NOI 5, and that we all join the Gaura arati as equals at the end of the day.

Hare Krsna!