Online Vedabase branch report - 8 June

7 years, 8 months ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Recently you wrote on blog: "Branches must have a President (and Vice-Presidents with different areas if desired), a Secretary and a Treasurer. Secretary must post a Report regularly in the Blog (every fortnight can be good). Then we can work out details."

As Online Vedabase may be branch I would like to post quick report.

Recently finished importing of letters and transcripts.

In last few days researched best way how to handle search and index pages (e.g. Trascript Index Page, Letter Index Page). Found good solution and made simple app so every language will have separate settings, so we can use language specific stemming, stop words, ....

Plan for next 2-3 days is to finish Transcripts and Letters pages, so users will be able to comfortably narrow down/filter results. After that Library section (Books, Transcripts, Letters) can be consider ready.

Importing of Spanish TLC stopped for moment as there seemed to be differences in paragraph due to different versions. (Latest TLC in English is quite different from original edition in English) Will resume after launch of new version.

Still many things to do (explore page - intro text for new people, personal bookmarks/notes, tutorial videos, ...)

I will try to report regularly.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Don't be a Branch. Be Flower. Make your personal reports like this. Did anyone volunteer to help with the Spanish TLC. Don't push your self if no one responds.