Sorry, good bye

7 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Other

Hare krsna

Please accept my sincere respect

I'm very ashamed to write this letter to you, still I need you to know you won't need to worry about this little lier any more.

I really appreciate all the inspiration I received from your great person all this year's, and I keep within my heart a lot of life teachings. Nonetheless, i am really tired of my continuous misbehaves, I continue thinking that Krsna is God and this philosophy is the completest among all. Im just accepting my lack of mental strength to actually follow the four principles and the chanting.

It all began with the sexual activity, you tried to help me, even though, I always had an excuse why I had fallen. Now that I live with my family, I drank with my old friends again.I'm not any more attracted to keep struggling against my animal impulses. 

I will always admire all the devotees who are able to keep their vows, thats the piety that keeps this world alive.

Your admirer 


HpS - Why be 'sorry'?! Go ahead. Be honest and brave. Then you may be traveling on a path that is not at the highest level you know, but you can always make the choice to go higher. Don't be sorry because you are not perfect. Be happy that you are really trying to do some thing to go up.

Why not write to us from time to time.

We can still function as vartmana-pradarshika-guru, giving perspective how to get on a higher path.

Thank. you.