7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

I think bots wouldn't wind ABHA nor PEO or Peace on Earth coils, or I haven't get them doing it. :) and it's a pity.

HK :) (switching is happening[seems very soon] with an amplifier, music amplifier, and to amplifier a signal generator, governing it at max 250 mV, and then of course load, or maybe magnet if health benefits are considered. It took some energy to buy that form2 3d-printer. It comes from Germany or Netherlands. The office is in Berlin. My head wonders at the same time as it thinks of putting up a company for taxation reasons, because of the crypto-investments, it thinks sometimes, would it be very hard to own land in India?

HpS - NGD, President NIOS is involved in the legal side of India to some degree. Somthing like 70% of all land in India is in some kind of dispute. I would be very doubtful about the security of any land title that was offered in Mayapura.

I guess not in Mayapur district anymore, so much. But I guess in districts like Manipur, it's still not so easy. 2013, by the Grace of Srila Prabhupada, I visited Mayapur for few weeks, and there was some program to buy and secure also land in holy places, in Mayapur Parigrama places..

HK :) (sun is maybe fusion, maybe scalar transformer, like Eric Dollard says, on the physical level, which I guess, is not much at all. So vedic realm of sun is where the rays travel, between the planet and the sun? anyway if it's like a big Tesla transformer, then it works most likely on certain frequency or frequencies, like those coils do.

P.S. see, there is a painting(oil) behind POE coil, where there is Balarama's feet, if I was bot, then at least His feet are there :) . Prabhupada always said that if there was one real scientist on this planet, it wouldn't be no problem for him to fly on any planet in this universe, not at all :) :) It's very good to remember, for so many are just downpressing, mean depressing :) :) p.p.s and bot wouldn't send working diagrams, you may test it :) freely, it's all working. for there is no Krishna there which is not functioning but malfunctioning :), but you all know that already..

HpS - Other letter we decided you were most likely not a Web-bot, even if you have your own doubts.  It would be so nice to adjudicate, align, the descriptions of material nature from your Tesla Cadre with those of Prabhupada, like we are trying to align Jung and Prabhupada.

For example, Prabhupada says that the planets are held together by wind ropes. O.K.   Here we have a term for Gravity. When did it become a word for ths phenomenon in the West. I've seen a history.

I think our technology of Kirtan, Japa, Dancing, Prasada can make a very good basis for this investigation. What can you do stimulating the bodies Prana finely. You can find stuff as hard as crystal, iron, in the body by that process. Very fine Kirtan, but then also we develop a little and the Demigods, Gandharvas do the rest.