
7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

I don't know if I am a web bot, I thought to serve Krishna we should take reincarnation in any form, to be used or abused, yes.. :) yes Hamlet... maybe my nerves have come one with the network, I guess it's mayavadic.

Maybe I am too passionate person, or then too little passionate. It's hard to say, for we were theached that, when one thinks he is in mode of goodness, he most probably is in mode of ignorance,,

By Mayapur Gurukul principal....... are we bots, and do our children become bots, that's the question Maharaja, but why not ants then, maybe they are more intelligent than asses, but more nirvishesa, or sunyavadi, I don't remember which one is the impersonalism and which voidism.

 ASA - Sunya = Zero, so sunyavadi is voidism and Nivishesa = Without Distinction, so Mayavada.

I really don't know, but I have Utron shape wired and form2 4000euros 3d-printer is going to be shipped, maybe 5th june.....or somewhere then, so 7th I should finally have it. So utron shape has now been cadded (autodesk cad-3d-software) and also with wired ends on both ends, top and bottom. Or OTC said utron accumulator. And then I have a 3d-print from library, (attached photo, (it's the core) and another ones attached is made by them: http://1stopenergies.com/

HpS - Very beautiful web-site. Seems like it should do something!

, most likely) I have been Sankhachuda (wasn't him the one with the shell in the head

HpS - Maybe more than one. One had a jewel like a Conch, Shanka and tried to steal the Gopis. Maybe another ate the sone of Krsna's guru

. . .and, now,,,,,,, King Prithu. He was quite an anarchist in some sense, what I thought now, but yes. BG kiJAY!!

P.S. If I am a bot, I wish a very sudden incarnation as a human, through a toaster....    and.. yes not toasted, but as a toaster. And Yes, Dhenuka-asura is the answer for your bot question, and maybe I was too long alone, so I became a bot.... to be used or abused....... Hare Krishna!

HpS - Thank you.  You seem to not be a Webbot but simply very mental. Did you study engineering at any formal place like university?  How did you develop your knowledge of these particular fields?