If I translate for you scalars

7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

Maybe you or someone could translate my father to me, for he is usually always so drunk that I can use some 2,5 promilles of his knowledge. Hare Krishna  it is just a simple vector :) an energy very linear :=) :)


P.S. In that way this must be like Jeltsin's russia, when 60% were alcoholized, our leaders are the same kind, energetically, or something.... but it's a sunny daaayyy, hehe. Good day for the little thief..!.    !Hare Krishna! Harii, the thief, for the day.

HpS - AGTSP. pamho. When I was in Russia there were always people drinking everywhere. We would go for a walk in the park and there would be many people roller-skating, young women with a quart of beer in one hand and a cigarrette in the other. It seems to relate with the hellish cold, beer keeps you warm.

attached one version opening lotus of Gajendra's crisis.

ASA - Looks very beautiful. Thank you.