Hare Krsna!
Class with Hawaii was really great. Then we talked with Visvambara Das and Subhra Devi Dasi and got a lot done in terms of fixing a schedule for the Seattle event so that everyone gets properly displayed.
BG is a lecture.
SB is a lecture.
Krsna gave the Gopis, free, a lecture when they came to the forest to see Him at night.
+ + +
Allergy is still burning our nose constantly, inside or outside but could be worse. Mail is caught up. Reading with Boise schedule, tomorrow we hope there is energy to work on our BhVai Essays.
Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna
NGD had the allergy so bad, did we mention, that he could not sleep and had to come home from work and collapsed in bed.
What will happen tonight!
God is great, we are small, but He can hear us if we call!