Closed minded

7 years, 8 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Special Category A

Please accept my most humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva 

I have a question which is a bit rumbling in my mind , why does diferent religion separate us  instead of bring us all together , for example ive met with people that they are very catholic and act more like we are so diferent we can't share our  Love for the Lord cause to them the Lord is just JESUS and anyone else is just wrong and false GOD , my mind can understand that  . why are they so closed to the fact that GOD has many names and it manisfate or show himself in diferent way through time .

The fact that catholic or an evangelist are CLOSED minded makes me think so much why is that ? 

Please clarify me  Gurudeva  or correct me . 

dandavats to your Lotus golden feet.

your silly servant 

Japa nama Rama Das 

HpS - NOI 4  and 5.   There are Tamasic devotees for Siva, Visnu, Jehovah, Allah, Science.  They want to be glorified at the expense of others so they take try to put down other's faith, religion, so that theirs looks bigger easily. Correct?  Othe thing may be that they push aways others out of ingorance, not hearing the right think about who they are, then they can be changed by education!   Teaching by example, even for a long time.