Vedic Cosmology

7 years, 7 months ago by hps in Special Category B
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From: Eduardo Llaser
To: Hanumat Preshaka Swami
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 6:32 AM
Subject: PP2_Puranic Cosmography.ppt
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Available until Jun 14, 2017

Dear Hanumat Preshaka Swami

Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! 

Could you kindly check this out and see what needs to be added or correct?

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PP2_Puranic Cosmography.ppt

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Your Servant Ekanatha Gaura Dasa 


Hare Krsna, Prabhu,

AGTSP. Paoho.   Ekanatha gaura Das from Peru, no?  Who made this PPTX?    It is very concentrated. For whom is it meant?

To detailed for us to examine all the details.

We are always brought to the consideration that this is happening on different levels of consciousness. It was spoken at the end of Dvapara yuga. People and the universe were much finer then.

The yojana is a multiple of a finger width. Whose finger? What age?

For example, the earth is spinning on its axis at 1,000 miles per hour. Thus it covers 24,000 miles in 24-hours. It is like a top, but like a spinning top it also has a a precessional rotation with reference to the stars. This takes about 26,000 years.

Life of Brahma is 100 years x 360 days/year x 2000 divya-yugas/day x 4,320,000 earth-years/ divya-yuga = 31.104 x 10*12 earth-years.

Life of Brahma 31.104 x 10*12 earth-years / Life You-me 100 earth-years = 31.104 x 10*12 

If one recessional rotation takes 26 x 10*3 earth-years for us then that would be:

26 x 10*3 / 31.104 x 10*12 brahma years = .836 x 10*-9 brahma-years.

If a movie is changing frames at slower than 24-frames per second (critical flicker frequency) then we begin to see each frame. So if the recessional rotation of the earth's geo-magnetic field is spinning at such high velocity for Brahma loka, it would appear and act as a solid cone shaped mountain with its peak downward, no?

For Indra loka, Kuvera loka, there would be different relative "Critical Flicker Frequencies".

Do you see our perspective?

The analysis we see in the PPTX are all from the viewpoint of Bhu-mandalis like us, no?  We have other insane speculations based upon this different dimensional perspective that match up with the rings of oceans of different substances etc.

We can go to these different "Lokas", locus, locations, by pranyama etc.

Rasa-raja Das said that our cosmology was completely mental. Well, we graduate first place in psychology from the University of California in 1970 so that is our perspective.

For whom is the presentation intended?