Urgente _ Nuevo NIMSAR.

7 years, 9 months ago by YugalaKD in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Dear guru Maharaja, we look forward to your early arrival and more communication like Monday, to discuss issues of education, for work we would just be on another schedule, perhaps in the afternoon from 5 AM [PM?], or on Monday night , Or another day, maybe Saturday morning or any time ? So we could participate.

HpS - ASA -- Certainly, but you and CMDD have to work it out with Laksmana when is a good time. Mornings are the best. It was a very nice meeting for us.

Finally we have the complete equipment [team], these are very good and active devotees who wish to do service in this new NIMSAR, as branch of ASA, we send the proposals to all the authorities, following their instructions, we see a lot of enthusiasm on the part of the authorities.

We tried from the beginning to unify, to integrate in the proposal the previous members of NIMSAR, but there was no positive answer, except for Mother Isvari who mentioned that she would be a collaborator, this week we tried to include them after the meeting on Monday, as we see that her Proposal is similar, and we have not had an answer so far.

ASA - O.K. but The Supreme Absolute Indifferenciated Commando of ASA has not seen the proposals!  Should not make any formal presenations without posting them here first, no?

I am surprised that they mention me in their group, because they have not communicated with me at all, that generates ambiguity, should be consulted. Although I spoke with LAD this Sunday, he did not mention anything about it. With whom if we maintain communication is with mother Rohini (ex member of NIMSAR).

I was surprised to hear the name of ASA, you asked us requirements for NIMSAR to be part of ASA, and the proposal of the other group, uses its name, I do not understand, now I am confused?

ASA - Same as above. We have not had any Formal Proposals to be Branch of ASA in Peru, so no one should use ASA name formally. 'O'ink ~

Even so, we are still enthusiastic about the project, the pada yatra (I send you photos of deities this year will come out), cultivate friendship with a new team, with your guide, we are an instrument, you are the boss.

Please give us your blessings to serve with honesty, intelligence, with appropriate attitude, free of pride, petty interests and patience. If that is the plan of Krsna, if that is His will, we can continue to distribute happy books, we have no problems. And always continue to study, teaching BS, VB, learning.

I hope that Krsna will bring it soon and well.
His daughter who adores him:
Yugala Kishora Dasi

ASA - Hare Krsna!   Very nice.  Just working on details.   Very nice Mangala arati this morning at ASA - FMP.   You know word-by-word translations?  It is "sri vigraha ardhana nitya nana...".  "Ardhana is like "Aradhana which becomes "Radha", worship."

Thank you. Please send us formal petitions here.


Querido guru Maharaja, esperamos su pronta venida y más comunicación como la del lunes, para tratar temas de educación, por trabajo nos justaría que fuera en otro horario, tal vez en la tarde a partir de las 5 AM, o en la noche del lunes, u otro día, tal vez sábado en la mañana o cualquier hora?, así podríamos participar .

Finalmente tenemos el equipo completo, se trata de devotos muy buenos y activos que desean hacer servicio en este nuevo NIMSAR, como rama de ASA , enviamos las propuestas a todas las autoridades, siguiendo sus instrucciones, vemos mucho entusiasmo por parte de las autoridades.  

Intentamos desde el principio unificar, integrar en nuestra propuesta a los anteriores miembros de NIMSAR, pero no hubo una respuesta positiva, salvo de madre Isvari que menciono que estaría como colaboradora,  esta semana intentamos incluirlos después de la reunión del Lunes, pues vemos que su propuesta es similar,  y no hemos tenido una respuesta hasta el momento.

Me sorprende que me mencionen en su grupo, pues no se han comunicado conmigo en absoluto, eso genera ambigüedad, se debe consultar. A pesar que hablé con LAD este domingo, no mencionó nada al respecto. Con quien si mantenemos comunicación es con madre Rohini (ex miembro de  NIMSAR).

Me sorprendió escuchar el nombre de ASA, Ud. nos pidió unos requisitos para que NIMSAR fuera parte de ASA, y la propuesta del otro grupo, usa su nombre, no entiendo, ahora estoy confundida?. 

Aun así, continuamos entusiastas en el proyecto, el pada yatra (Le envio fotos de deidades que este año saldrán), cultivar amistad con nuevo equipo, con  su guía, somos un instrumento, Ud. es el jefe.

Por favor, denos sus bendiciones  para servir con honestidad, inteligencia, con la actitud apropiada, libres de orgullo, intereses mezquinos y paciencia. Si ese es el plan de Krsna, si esa es su voluntad, por último podemos seguir distribuyendo libros felices, no tenemos problemas. y siempre seguir estudiando, enseñando BS, VB, aprendiendo.

Espero que Krsna lo traiga pronto y con bien.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi