From Chile Ma. Soledad

7 years, 9 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports


<big>My obeisances Maharaja, </big>

<big>How is your health? In what part of the world is he preaching now? </big>

<big>HpS - ASA -- "This body doesn't get diseases, this body IS a disease!"   Our body, like and vehicle iss getting old. Our memories, eyes, teeth, respiration, hearing, are all diminishing, but by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada we are doing very, very well for our age!!  Our intelligence is increasing!</big>

<big>I have not written because I am very self-demanding with myself, in his previous answer I give myself verses of the BG and the SB to read about my question of how to preach in my work, I still do not finish it, but every Time I assure myself more than The only way is to offer my activities to Krsna, to see all people as spiritual souls. Personally, a while ago I have not stopped singing my rounds, which always allows me to be mentally fixed and without anxiety, I hope to continue so whatever happens. </big>

<big>HpS - Yes, EVERYTHING will improve the fastests as you improve your Japa.</big>

<big>The Japa has become the most important point in my days, meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Lord And associating with very loving devotees. I must assume that I do not like being with some people since I have seen them and I have listened to criticize and offend hard others, even me with Abhimanyu, especially him many years ago until today, I feel that being with these people contaminates my Process, But Maharaja that is well? Or should I try to have the association of them?</big>

HPS - The details are in Upadesamrta.  Especially Texts 4,5,6 talks about distinguishing different types of devotees and adjusting our association with them.  Don't listen to stupid ideas from Karmis, Vikarmis expect as will help them advance in spiritual life. That even means trying help them advance in the modes from ignorance to goodness, to pantheism etc. You will lean!   Krsna will help!

<big>Within me I respect them, I want Krsna to keep them always in service, but I do not want to fall into an offense Since I was little I realized that I have a capacity, which within psychology is called "realizing" be aware of what makes us bad and be able to change it. I do not want to sound a little humble, but I think I've come a long way since I did not know Krsna and the devotees until now. Every day I am aware of trying not to criticize and tolerate more. Please give me your blessings to keep moving forward, I want to return home in this life, I want to be a good devotee and keep Krsna in your service.</big>

<big>HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!!!</big>

<big>On the other hand Maharaja, I have some questions about the worship of deities. In our home we have an altar, this Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Sri Sri Goura Nitay, Nrsimhadev and a Shiva Lingam given us by devotees. I can not worship them without being initiated?</big>

HpS - It is not exactly "worship", Arcanama. It is more like "Pada-sevanam", which is inspired by Prabhupada. Give them all the love you can, clean, punctual service and then add rituals and paraphernalia as practical.

<big>Abhimanyu has told me to do a simple worship and gradually learn the most complex, what do you think of it? What instruction can you give me? I want to worship the Lord in the most appropriate way, with the necessary standard.</big>

<big>HpS - Like we say above.  Clean, regular timings for sevice, then details.</big>

<big>Finally, to tell you that a while ago I had two dreams, I'm not used to delivering mystical interpretations to everything, but now I do and I want to share with you. In a dream we were the devotees at a party, it was a field place, very green, you would come and I was giving you my obeisances, had a spiritual name and was his disciple, as are dreams, without chronology and temporality, at the same time I knew that that could not be, because my name is Ma. Soledad and I'm not yet started. But my dream showed me something else. The second dream a couple of weeks ago, it was after a therapy that Mataji Guru Govinda DD made me with yantras, that night I dreamed of Shiva and they murmured his name "Hanuman Presaka Swami" </big>

<big>The world of dreams is incredible and a little crazy, but what do you think? I have a hard time writing this kind of thing, but because I know that many devotees read it, but I know I'm not the only one.</big>

<big>HPS - No, is nice. I don't know the meaning of the dreams, but I have heard that Srila Prabhupada said that dreams of Krsna and Spiritual Master and then I guess His devotees, ISKCON, are not ordinary dreams. Somtimes they are chances for us to deal with gross things that we have to adjust in our Karma without having to take the necessary gross bodies. So, I don't know any meaning!</big>

<big>Please excuse the length of this letter, and for asking so many things, I am just trying to move forward by being aware of how neophyte I am. I thank you infinitely for your time in helping us, in serving so much! My bows to His Lotus Feet Maharaja. </big>

<big>HpS - Nice letter!  Five more people will get the same questions answered now without having to write because it is here in the Blog!</big>

<big>P.D: I send you pictures of our deities below </big>(they are not really ours, we are theirs ...)

ASA - Very nice!  Try to get nice altar for them. So relative will give you a nice book case or other furniture!