Oink! HAre Krsna!
We offered orange juice, raisins with walnuts, and then boiled carrots and potatoes with salt and butter to Lord Nrsmhadeva.
Last night was program at NGD. Every Firday when they are there and no one is too sick. Only about 8-people came because many had to go to a funeral.
Seems to us that our joints get stiff from one week or two of not dancing, but given a hint, everyone wants to send the Holy Name deep into them. Hope it reaches the heart too, soon.
Next week and the week after the following week NGD and family will be in Chicago and at the Kirtan mela. We will be ALONE!!!!
Maybe some one will invite us too tea.
Workshop this morning was so nice. Getting practical work done.
No contact with RGD for several days. Several projects floundering.
You can see the letter for Seattle.
Seems the 2018 Symposium in Peru is also finished. No commitment from the National Library, but as long as we have life we can preach!
Now buy India ticket! Abhirama, Yugala, CmDD ... LAD... Anandamaya... Ananda vardana ... Bhadra gopal.... everyone should go to India, Bharata!