About the mystical Utron(copyright) shape

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports


Text by OTC company or Otis T. Carr:

Now evaluated for the first time, and added to the Electron, the Proton, and the Neutron, is UTRON, the molecular shell that houses the atoms. The cohesion of ”molecular shells” is brought about by inertial systems in the gravity field mani- fested in the two poles of natural mag- netism and electro-magnetism. The states and conditions of this cohesion of molec- ular shells are evaluated in time by clocks at designated straight-line points in the field condition of space. The orbit of these molecular shells is definitely UTRONIC and is demonstrated considerably in nature. In the simplest form of em- pirical physics and mechanics it manifests in natural magnets, particularly in U- shaped magnets, and electro-magnets, and in electrical energy by wave transmission or conducting wire.

And his, too simple for university people to realize, sentence: ”The dimension of pressure are straight line; the dimension of motion is curvature. Pressure creates motion and motion creates pressure. Therefore, motion is dimensionally fourth. Finite space is a condition of the field, and the static universe is as real as the kinetic one. From the spawning point of inertia, numerous dimensions beyond the fourth are logically equated — static or dynamic, all matter is available energy— IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT’’

The exact same thought as Keppe has in his disinverted physics(or energetics, for he says word physics is already inversion and psychopathology, for it should be energetics, for no energy comes from physical reality, but matter comes from energy, in real reality, ofcourse we have been brainwashed by Einstein and all these so called great scientists): Finite space is a condition of the field, and the static universe is as real as the kinetic one.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maharaja. It's just amazing :) :) !

Sunny day for ALL in here and there. Hare Krishna. All Glories To Sriila Prabhupad!!

Hare Rama

HpS - ASA -- Do you have four heads?   Did OTC smoke tobacco?  Nicotine?    There seems to be truth in what you are presenting. Very ecstatic truth!   Yet, there are a lot of undefined terms. We DON'T want rational explanations with out brillance, irredescent bubbles.    We are not occupied Saturday nights if you can drop by with a Vimana and we can visit Lima for the evening!