Renato Delgado de Arequipa

7 years, 10 months ago by Renato Delgado in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, AGtSP!


Dear Gurudev, It's been several months since I last wrote you and I'm very happy to get back to you.

HpS - Happy to hear from you!  No news from Hari-qripa!

I have known that it is very possible that you travel to Peru in a few more weeks and that you will be in several cities including possibly Arequipa. Be assured that you will be very well received, since the Arequipeño devotees have a lot of affection for you, Maharaja.

HpS - Likewise. I hear from Laksmana-Das that we will leave Lima at 6AM, July 15th for Arrequipa and leave Arrequipa 8AM, July 17th. Let's spend time together and invite new people from the public and personal acquaintances. Write here with plans for promoting our visit and your Sankirtan. We have such a nice gift for people.

In any case, we will try to provide you with the best possible service in preaching, and we hope to take initiation with you, either in the temple of Arequipa or in the temple of Chosica; According to the time you have and the most favorable circumstances. We are at your disposal, with the attitude of not being an impediment, but rather, to serve as help in everything that is within our reach.

I commented you, that I finished satisfactorily, my first studies of Introduction to Bhakti Yoga that dictated NIMSAR Peru, in charge of Prabhu Laksmana-Agraja dasa and also already they gave me the letter of recommendation of the temple of Arequipa that presides over the mother Manasi-Ganga DD. Necessary documents, according to the regulation for new initiates, requested by the GBC in its Official Policy of May 2013, in force.

HpS - You passed the Disciple Course?

Finally, I must confess that I try to follow the 4 regulative principles in full, and sing 16 rounds of japa daily, but I still have to get up earlier and concentrate on reading Srila Prabhupada's books more. Fortunately, I have the permanent support of my devout friends in Arequipa and Chosica, who are always encouraging me to remain firm and constant in the process of Krishna Consciousness.

I hope you are always healthy.

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Renato.

HpS - O.K. News from Arrequipa!  Who is the best cook?