I am learning very much

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO! But sometimes Maharaja, it feels, I can not take it, I get good feeling that I have published my site, but it happens all again. Everyone that mattered to me starts behaving like pigs, claiming me to be crazy, some starts using more opiates inside ISKCON and my ex Nitai Priya Devi Dasi claimed me crazy and still claims, Ter Kadamba the same or worse.... and then this Ip dasa goes all the meetings of bhaktas here, and I don't want to see that rapist in opiates, like some else also, but one who is in opiates, he destroys everyone else's lifes to the point they start using opiates too. Sometimes this is little bit too much, because there is no one, those who are interested in same things even a little are otherwise some old cannabinist womanizers, but I'm glad that there is an internet. And that there is that meat eater pigeon, even though.... it's hard...it's really hard. Maharaja; how can this page destroy my life so? I thought I am not against family life, I always defended even my father, even though he is a complete alcoholist..  I guess they are all then just very jealous souls, or what can it be? I listened so many years my alcoholist father, that free energy, what I ever did was laughable. The theater he hasn't criticized, but his alcoholist brother has. How come these people thrive with accusations of rapings and pedophily instead? When they will stop their teasing? I really understand sometimes people who murder. How can they think people can live here like that from day to day, and actually, I guess they don't live.... Yours Sincerely Nanuk Henrichs


HpS - ASA -- Have you not 2-3 people in physical bodies with whom you can associate in a progressive manner?  That is a great asset in you battle with the Witch. Get a little village where you can get bread. Then you can build 2-3 relations with Madhyama-adhikaris.

NOI 3,4 is good advice. Helped me so much.

I don't know you so clearly, but I know you deeply (Ha!!  Ha!  Tesla quote).

Will look at your other letters.