Netherlands - US of A

7 years, 10 months ago by jaynityananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

First of all i would like to say that i hope you are fine. Things seems intense, when looking at the agenda.

ASA - When we look at it, it does seem that way. We picked this font and color and size for this letter. Pick your own!

The thing with the phone didn't work out, basically because of my misunderstanding your intent, so that i was too late with my message and missed you. Or so it seems to me. Then i couldn't get hold of a European number. But anyway, i resolved to call to the US, in the hope to catch you there. I hope that is okay with you. I don't like to be a mosquito. Time is a great teacher; it shows us many things about ourselves. What we are and what we are not.

ASA - Huh!?   We don't understand?  You were trying to hack Tom Brown's cell phone!   Very ambitious!!!   They could put you in a special Intelligence Unit in the UNESCO Peace Keepers for that.

Here things are going better. I'm switching jobs. Our company lost its contract for the city's transport so me and pretty much everyone else has to go. No problem, this time we were equipoised about the thing; Krishna gave and Krishna took away. In the meantime i'm reading Yamuna's book. It is the best book from an ISKCON disciple ever! Beautiful descriptions of Srila Prabhupada and the wonderful Yamuna. She is truly special. And lastly, the most positive thing, is that there is a little taste for chanting again, by Good Grace.

ASA - How did you get it!!???

Anyway, i'm very happy for you, engaged in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Your aspiring servant,
Raghava-pandita dasa

ASA - Yes!!!!  Krsna is certainly taking a personal interest in your job, wife, kid(s), friends . . . He wants you back to your real job!!

Tell us a very nice Krsna conscios citation!   Do you know "Nanuk"?