Thank you for giving more fighting spirit

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO! I am going to put the website viral, even though weebly web site creation has not published it as my other 9 free sites, but I made it nicer now, and I guess if I pay they may put it viral, or then should take some netsite service from other country. I have been actively censored few times in facebook messenger and it has been case sensitive, for I asked from other people, and they could send those. Like for example Sadaputa Dasa's lecture on shapeshifters.... yeah. Homo homini est lupus.. :) :) Freightening, but still quite masculine things. Theater is my safe haven, even if I died, Maharaja. I am thinking to change the name of the site maybe to Akasha-planes, but all names will be taken if someone there had some good idea for it..  And I have to say: Bedini team is very alive, actually they just made a magnet which picks up gold and silver:


At the upcoming conference Jeff Moe will present a magnet that picks up gold, silver and other non-ferrous metals. Of course this isn't supposed to be possible, but it works and you will see it with your own eyes. You'll also walk away with the information on how to replicate it! This will be the Friday evening presentation after dinner and you'll want to be there! Register now - seats are going fast:

Hare Krishna :) !


ASA -  Wow!!!!    I hope Prahlada Nrsmha Das can make some comments on this. Rabindra Svarupa Das commented that he was forced to accept that the concept of the Mayapura planetarium as conceived by Sril B. S. Sarasvati was a kind of gigantic moving yantra, four stories high. And the Demon's would fight to the last moment to keep the switch from being thrown to set it in motion, because as soon as that happened there would be a fluid flow from the eternal Nabadvipa in the Spiritual Sky to Sridhama Mayapura in West Bengal.