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7 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


Thank U again and again for always looking for a way to enhance our service ¡¡¡ Being at FMP with U and all my Godbrothers and Sisters is really inspiring for me ¡¡

ASA - Us also....     It is essential part of our life now.

In this trail back to love myself more I was discovering many things, some confused me, and I kind of got lost.How to relate all my healing process with Krsna was really overwhelming for me. However yesterday I was listening to one of your classes and there U said that the source of my wealth, health, suffer everything is Krsna and even if I actually now day deeply in my heart... some coaches that I have heard said that I am the only responsible about the environment I create. They want that U became all powerful just by yourself, So I was kind of missing the focus. ¡¡

HpS - We need philosophy. Someone may get it from the bartender at his club, our the manicurist at her beauty parlour, but we need broad perspective on life. Then we can compare it to the philosophy of the BG, Lord Caitanya.

On the other hand, I had already help many people, specially ladies, who were like thinking that they need the approval of the rest in order to feel worthy, that they need to get married and have kids in order to be a "winner", our society is SO cruel, that if U as a lady do not have accomplished that by the age of 33 at least, you are just a looser, Ja Ja Ja, I told them that 9 of 10 married ladies that I know are not completely happy, because we have this concept about  happily ever after, but they do not tell us what happened after the wedding ¡¡¡ jaja.  But when I was giving them advice I did not mention anything about Krsna so as U said I felt like Vyasadeva ¡¡¡ Then I recalled what U have said and just said You can work in yourself U can try to focus in yourself but at the end you just have to leave everything to God ¡¡¡ He knows best ¡¡¡ and then I am starting to connect them to Krsna through Pantheism ¡¡¡ I do not know If that is correct??

HpS - ASA -- SB 2.1. Prabhupada says that it is a progressive step, but it won't have much effect unless there is a SERVICE ATTITUDE. We must want to have an ecological view of Pacha Mama not to exploit her better, but to serve her better.

I do not want that they feel that I am preaching to them or trying to convert them to my religion, nevertheless they now that I am a Hare Krsna and now about my principles.

HpS - That's fine. Some people WANT you to preach to them and convert them to your religion, so we can relate to them in that fashion. Others want to hear what your Old Granny used to say. How many different preaching strategies do we learn in SB??!!!

Years ago I had another goals, but now I do not what goals I have, I mean my  future goals, jaja. I wanted something in the past, but Krsna is telling me no candramukhi not now, or maybe He is telling me focus in what really matters?? I do not know I am kind of confused. My life is now calm, I have accomplished many things. I continue with this introspection trail, trying not to please the ego but the soul. My ego is so huge :(. I need to have the perfect job, clothes, house, job, etc. For instance, in this ECPE course.. pff.  I did not study anything since 5 years at least. It is really exhausting because this course starts 7 am and then I have to go to work... I sleep just 4  hours, so next month I won't take it .. the exam is on December and I can prepare by myself. plus the course is really expensive... I need to make balance in my life, sometimes I feel I have so many on my plate... I remembered one letter that U answer to me "You do not have to give your 100%. Sometimes 65% is ok" pff but my ego again :(

Nowadays, my rounds are not so good. I feel that things sometimes surpass me. I feel lonely sometimes. I have to put up with many things in order to support my family (economically), Super Girl eh ¡¡ haha¡¡¡¡ But I always take shelter in Krsna. And I try to accept whatever His plan is for me ¡¡¡ And always feel grateful for all the good things that I have in my life... 

I am pujari in wilson once a week and give BG classes once a month 

On the KD you wrote:

TPP-Composition Book, 2017 15 February …  is 52/80 pages. Any comments from CMDD?

cmdd: Well it is AWESOME, I can not wait to have it in my hands.. one page 34 you wrote: "Flowers are Krsna trying to smile at us. return their kindness with grace" I have already heard this from U.. I love this thought and I always smile them back ¡¡¡ and as you told me ¡¡¡¡ smile even if you do not want to and You will feel better ¡¡

Thank U Gurudeva

Sorry for the long letter. In attach some photos of JpS 's Vyasa Puja U asked me to post them here 

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA --- It is nice letter. It is in English, which helps a lot.

We all are struggling with our rounds. If we always put our 16-rounds first then we won't have to work so hard, we will have better friendships, more preaching and in the end Radha-Krsna will come and take us with Them to the picnic.

Krsna pays 1-sol for each good Maha-mantra.