Joy....beyond words!!!

7 years, 10 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HPS,

Dandavat Pranam Guru Maharaj,

Kindly accept my humble obeisances at your sweet lotus feet [ASA - lettuce feet].

I had been wondering the past few days whether my letter reached Guru Maharaj or not.....a little anxious ...but all the while leaving everything to Krishna. Oh yes!! Yesterday I did pray to Hanumanji on his birthday...please!! please!! would You please let me hear from Guru Maharaj!! Today, during my break time at the hospital, as I was going through the 5th volume of Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, I received this beautiful reply...and I am feeling so happy and abundantly blessed!Thank you so much. Guru Maharaj ki jai!!

Last Sunday, we started our Kirtan from Govindaji Mandir and had to pass through a number of meat shops mostly run by Muslims. I am sorry for specifying the community . To my surprise, all of them accepted the little prasadam offered to them. An elderly Muslim gentleman even gave his was simply amazing!! On some earlier occasions, I have found them refusing  Krishna prasadam and we had to patiently explain to them .....feel very hurt when some of them still refused after all our efforts. Same with some of our Christian followers. Kindly give us Your blessings Guru maharaj.

Banamali Prabhu leads the group most of the time. He has prepared pamplets for distribution . All of us are too busy and too absorbed in the Kirtan that we forget to take snaps. This Sunday I will try my best to take some snaps and upload them ASAP. more thing , Guru Maharaj....which books will be best for distribution during Nagarkirtan? Usually...I carry some spiritual incense sticks, Stickers, Chandan, lockets.....besides, of course, the Prasadam.

Thank you so much Guru Maharaj,

I remain,

Your humble servant...forever seeking guidance and protection,

Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi.


HpS - Hare Krsna!!!   Thank you for your wonderful news from the wonderful land of Manipur!!!!   I don't know what books are available.  Of course, some small books that people might consider looking at quickly and then taking. "Krsna, the reservoir of pleasure", in English is very nice. Prabhupada said that we can even photocopy certain purports that we like and distribute them. Ask people to take them, help with a small donation for our printer if they can and then if they like them just contact you and you can give them more for their friends and contacts.

Are you working??  Do you have any contact with Sriman Yamjnesvara Das in Thoubal?   How is Brahmacari, Sadhu Das??