Radiant energy

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

PAMHO! All Glories to A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada. It's all about the frequencies, electrical disruption rates goes somehow like this (the effect): sensation of pain (slowest) then; pushing away any material, no matter if walls there between... then; warming sensation, then; light phenomena and finally the fastest frequency; betterment of memory and physical shape. It is said everyone in Tesla's laboratory took half an hour the fastest frequency per day :) Next thing should be taken on account:

"The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock step denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf Steiner, another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was composed of four fractions which he described as 1) the Light Ether, 2) the Warmth Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether, and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of the first three. Tesla’s New York and Colorado experiments confirmed for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether, but could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high magnitude pulses of short duration.
This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy."

HpS - Prabhupada uses the term 'ether' as synonymous with 'space'. Of course, space in the Bhagavatam is different term that what is used by many. It is more geometric, no taste, touch, etc, maybe throat Chakra for Kundalini, no?

I have also used Hulda Clarke's parazappers, if you know them, [no] it's also frequency based, but have to say when speaking about Tesla we speak about High Voltage Pulses, which are coming from collapsing high voltage primary coil electric fields, in his Tesla converter. [When I was like 14 years old I made a Tesla coil, very high voltage, low amperage. My friend had a 1-1/2 foot van degraf generator]. So my suggestion is that the big potential(voltage) changes snaps into ether lines in the so called "Dirac sea". This kind of energy is called in military usage: scalar energy (see T. Bearden Fer-De-Lance briefing for President Reagan, the central intelligence just published papers about that, cheniere.org)

Here is how Radiant energy was invented:

"But while endeavoring toward his own means for identifying electrical waves,
Tesla was blessed with an accidental observation which forever changed the
course of his experimental investigations. Indeed, it was an accident which
forever changed the course of his life and destiny. In his own attempts to
achieve where he felt Hertz had failed, Tesla developed a powerful method by
which he hoped to generate and detect real electromagnetic waves. Part of this
apparatus required the implementation of a very powerful capacitor bank.
This capacitor “battery” was charged to very high voltages, and subsequently
discharged through short copper bus-bars. The explosive bursts thus obtained
produced several coincident phenomena which deeply impressed Tesla, far
exceeding the power of any electrical display he had ever seen, These proved
to hold an essential secret which he was determined to uncover.

The abrupt sparks, which he termed “disruptive discharges”, were found
capable of exploding wires into vapor. They propelled very sharp shockwaves,
which struck him with great force across the whole front of his body. Of this
surprising physical effect, Tesla was exceedingly intrigued. Rather like gunshots
of extraordinary power than electrical sparks, Tesla was completely absorbed
in this new study. Electrical impulses produced effects commonly associated
only with lightning. The explosive effects reminded him of similar occurrences
observed with high voltage DC generators. A familiar experience
among workers and engineers, the Simple closing of a switch on a high voltage
dynamo often brought a stinging shock, the assumed result of residual static

This hazardous condition only occurred with the sudden application of
high voltage DC. This crown of deadly static charge stood straight out of highly
electrified conductors, often seeking ground paths which included workmen
and switchboard operators. In long cables, this instantaneous charge effect
produced a hedge of bluish needles, pointing straight away from the line into
the surrounding space. The hazardous condition appeared briefly, at the very
instant of switch closure. The bluish sparking crown vanished a few milliseconds
later, along with the life of any unfortunate who happened to have been
so “struck”. After the brief effect passed, systems behaved as designed. Such
phenomena vanished as charges slowly saturated the lines and systems. After
this brief surge, currents flowed smoothly and evenly as designed.
The effect was a nuisance in small systems. But in large regional power
systems where voltages were excessive, it proved deadly. Men were killed by
the effect, which spread its deadly electrostatic crown of sparks throughout
component systems. Though generators were rated at a few thousand volts,
such mysterious surges represented hundreds of thousands, even millions of
volts. The problem was eliminated through the use of highly insulated, heavily
grounded relay switches. Former engineering studies considered only those
features of power systems which accommodated the steady state supply and
consumption of power. It seemed as though large systems required both surge
and normal operative design considerations. Accommodating the dangerous
initial “supercharge” was a new feature. This engineering study became the
prime focus of power companies for years afterward, safety devices and surge
protectors being the subject of a great many patents and texts.
Tesla knew that the strange supercharging effect was only observed at the
very instant in which dynamos were applied to wire lines, just as in his explosive
capacitor discharges. Though the two instances were completely different,
they both produced the very same effects.

HpS - ASA -- For our 'Tesla Coil' we made the capacitor form alternate plates of aluminum foil and thin sheet glass and then the charge would build and then be released when it reached sufficient voltage to jump the space between to electrodes, 10,000 volts/inch.

The instantaneous surge supplied
by dynamos briefly appeared super-eoncentrated in long lines. Tesla calculated
that this electrostatic concentration was several orders in magnitude greater
than any voltage which the dynamo could supply. The actual supply was somehow
being amplified or transformed. But how?

The general consensus among engineers was that this was an electrostatic
“choking” effect. Many concluded it to be a “bunching” action, where powerM
fully applied force was unable to move charge quickly through a system. Mysterious,
the combined resistance of such systems seemed to influence the charge
carriers before they were able to move away from the dynamo terminals’ Like
slapping water with a rapid hand, the surface seemed solid. So also it was with
the electrical force, charges meeting up against a seemingly solid wall. But the
effect lasted only as long as the impact. Until current carriers had actually
“caught up” with the applied electrical field, the charges sprang from the line
in all directions. A brief supercharging effect could be expected until charges
were distributed, smoothly flowing through the whole line and system. The
dynamo itself thus became the brief scene of a minor shockwave. He began
wondering why it was possible for electrostatic fields to move more quickly
than the actual charges themselves, a perplexing mystery. Was the field itself
an entity which simply drove the more massive charges along? IT this was true,
then of what was the eleclrostatic field itself “composed”? Was it a field of
smaller particles? The questions were wonderfully endless."


Hare Krishna

p.s. when I get more space (it's cold here) I will put my Bedini again running, with non-rust metal cover

p.p.s. did I mention, Harikesha Swami started an ufo-project in Korsnäs, Sweden, but I guess it's counted by many to that time that his personal doctor was giving him calming drugs without telling him :) :)aaaaa

anyway,, Hare Krishna, if there wasn't sankirtana movement, we would be all flying in ego trips in the sky in very modern vimanas, and only Buddha and grey Lord Caitanya would appear :)

HpS - The Engines of Buddha: http://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/2/7/37

A lot of this work seems to be adjudicating the terminology of Srila Prabhupada, the Trantra texts, modern science and Tesla et al community.