Preface notes (TLC) (little urgent)

7 years, 9 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


All glories to your  mission of sankirtana.

Here my notes :

I.--Krsna  takes charge of the world but personally of its pure devotee. (This encourages us to become pure).
Characteristics of pure devotee: Handed over to Krsna as a child to the father or an animal to his owner.
II.-There are 6 points of the delivery process:
1-Accept all that is favorable for devotional service (SD) (NOD)
2.-Reject the unfavorable (NOD)
3.-Believe firmly in the protection of Krsna (BG 18.66)
4. To feel that we depend only on Krsna (BG 6.47)
5.-Not having interest apart from the interest of Krsna (Siksastaka 8)
6.- Be always meek and humble (Siksastka 3)

HpS-ASA -- Thank you for the references for each element! BG 18.66 has the Sanskrit. CC has the whole verse.

II.-It is also recommended:
_ Method of worship of gopis: without any material or spiritual motive. (Not seeking liberation, only wanting to be a servant in any circumstance).
_ SBG (Krsna expansion of transcendental knowledge.
_ Do not forget to make Krsna the ultimate goal of life. (Other goals will cause you to suffer frustrations and if you succeed, anxiety to maintain it)

IV.-Then the process of purifying the conscience is explained (objective of BG 2.39):
_ Purify the objective mind of yoga and BG: central mind that controls all the senses.
If the mind is occupied  SD, (it simultaneously does service and it is purifies ).
_SD helps to fix the mind in Krsna, performing activities without attachment to the result (SBG 1.5.
_ Sing Names of Krsna equal to Krsna (he is absolute) Acintya bedha abheda tattva.

V.- 3 stages of singing:
_Offensive (Kanistha): you want material happiness (getting out of this stage quickly is dangerous)
_Clarification (Madhyama): you cleanse yourself from all of the above.
_Transcendental (uttama): Love Krsna. (His love only for Krsna).
SP mentions that rules of yoga only for those who are immersed in the corporeal concept of life.
Once I asked SSBBS for hatha yoga and he said: "This is for people who are very worried about their body, mostly they are the women or the old people".
Now I have seen that this can be used as a bridge preacher.

Thank you very much for your mercy.

Note:_ Is it okay to send you my notes? Or do you prefer that I just send you my questions? 

          _I read your DTC 30, and you want Krsna books to be on the best-selling list; A while ago Abhinanda d has the same concern.

          _I think maybe we can get on that list if we publish thematic books for China. (In China there are 1 million 300 thousand inhabitants). I'm going to research what topics they prefer there.

HpS-ASA - It is nice to see your notes, but for next two weeks we may have to reduce mail because we will meet so many people. Finds hard more population than that, no? It is one nation or more like a subcontinent like Europe - different languages etc.

So far I have seen that books on health, science fiction and self-help have a great reception worldwide.
In SBG there are very good topics, I would like in future to sort by topics and publish this in a simple language.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with affection

ys and niece spiritual

Isvari dd

Thank you all! HP Swami