Urgent back to classes

7 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Very nice to have your daily association in FMP. That is perfection of life.

Well I finished my advanced studies in English in 2002. And in 2003 I started to teach at Alas Peruanas University. Then I study my master, doctorate but I have always wanted to improve my English in order to read better SP's books and in order to serve U better.. so many things, stupid things, actually distracted me from that goal.. so today I give [took] a test in order to classify [qualify] to [for] a course that prepare[s] us for The Certificate of Proficiency in English...  I passed the classsification Exam yeeeee [yeah!]. So[,] on monday [Monday] I will start my classes.

I feel.really happy. My only desire is to serve U better and better.. other things are really irrelevant to me.

HpS - We have many attachments. If you or anyone wants to serve me, or anyone like me, then seems they must keep a direct awareness of Srila Prabhupada also. We make mistakes and then one can comment: Maharaja, it seems that Srila Prabhupada explained this, acted, differently, and we can correct our mistake!

Please give me your blessings... So[,] maybe then[,] when I got [am] 60 I will move to n[N]ova g[G]okula or India and finishes [finish] my days in this material world and see U again in Gokola[,] jaja [Ha! Ha! ]I am pretty greedy[,] but I have to be[.] IF U want to be greedy[,] be completely greedy.

I got invited again to the radio[.] I was thinking next time [to] talk about how to deal with your material duties and also practice a spiritual process. Is that ok[?].. They do a facebook live so I am recorded .. maybe I can go with my sari [and gold ornaments!]... I am a Hare Krsna nun. And so proud of my lineage.

Pujari in w[W]ilson once a week

TLC amazing reading!!!

HpS - ASA -  Yes!  We think it should be a part of th Bh.Vai. study just like Southern Part of Nectar of Devotion.

Thank U for all iur [ur] support

See U in June

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA ---   You English is probably many times better than my Spanish. Are you reading Srila Prabhupada's books once a week with your sister or mother in English?  It helps so much just to read them outloud. We don't learn a language as much as absorb it, right?

Thank you for the news!   Now other letters.