Thoughts about TLC (introduction). Urgent

7 years, 9 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


Hare Krsna, Mataji et al!   We didn't see the "Urgent" tucked in beside the rest of the Title of this letter!

I hope you are very happy with your beloved Krsna.

HpS - We are still very happy with our beloved body and mind, but in the association of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Nrsmhadeva, FMP Sanga, we are beginning to remember our good friend. We are really sick.

Here, I present my reflections about Introduction and preface:

I listed in paragraphs, I found 50.
Pf (abbreviation of paragraph)

1.-In introduction there are several topics: Immortality of Krsna and soul, creation, pleasure of Krsna. method of knowledge, etc. Is a summary of conclusions from the teachings of Bg and SBG.

2.-In paragraph 29 it is mentioned that pleasure power is absent in us, that is why we are looking for a man or a woman, but it seems to me that this lack is stronger in the male body because in paragraph 7 it says: that the most powerful shackle of Maya is female.

HpS - What about attachment of ladies for children?  I expect as we continue the study these questions will become more and more answered, no?

3.-Here is a challenge for a practitioner; It is said that in order to learn to obtain the pleasure of Krsna we must read SBG chant 10 but also clarifies that unless we do not understand Krsna we can not understand that power (pf 25), and  pf 18 says TLC (whose objective is to understand Krsna) starts from the point when one surrenders to Krsna (no material attachment), that is  when you already accept the BG, there just begun Athato brahma jijnasu. Great majority of us are still in cap 2 of BG, long road.

HpS - But, we are also taking the mercy of Lord Caitanya in Hari-nama Kirtan. So we are getting advanced knowledge from that source. Like someone who is studying Chemistry in the University but has an Uncle who is a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry with whom he associates a lot, no?

4.-pf 35: Krsna methodology teaching?: parampara system has 2 processes: external (SM) and internal (by heart). paf 38:Vedica evidence (sabdha) is the transcendental sound, sound is very important, will it read aloud?, and And it is necessary to purify heart so that the internal process by heart can be given.

HpS - Damodara Das, great historian, told me that he read that once, like 15th -16th century, a monk entered his monestery and he was shocked, scandalized to see the behavior of another monk, he was reading the Bible and his lips weren't moving.  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!      So, yes, sure seems, and we have personal experience that it is different, but not necessarily always better, to read outloud or at least with the lips, tongue and jaw moving.

Lord Caitanya method: Love (teaching us how to love Krsna). And it is necessary to purify heart so that the internal process by heart can be given.

Lord Caitanya and Krsna different character and method. I think the challenge is to find the balance between these 2 methods.

HpS - In the beginning maybe a balance is necessay. Also, balancing our visits to Mayapura and Braja, but later we realize that they both are 100% essential, achintya-bheda-acheda and we learn how to be fully involved with both.

5.-And And finally to become immortal, BG 14.19 simply go beyond the 3 modalities, and we will become heroes and finally to become immortal, BG 14.19 simply go beyond the 3 modalities, and we will become heroes.

thank you very much Maharaja encourage us to read and join in this great venture, I am very sure that Mr. Chaitanya is very happy with you for helping us understand his teachings.

with affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Thank you for such nice insights. Tomorrow we will review the Preface.