NIOS in Kolkata (1)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

From: Purushottama Keshava Das 
To: HP Swami
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 11:07 AM
Subject: Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna Respected Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeiscances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are happy to hear the success story of NIOS. Specially ICCR offering to
pay for 5 scholars. We hope and pray that you get recognition from ICCR so
that your gateway to Indian Universities will be easier, as  you wanted.

It is very inspiring to see that even in such advanced age, you are
travelling so much to spread sankirtan movement.
Your association here was very inspiring for me and I got to learn a lot
from you- enthusiasm, humility..
We seek your association more and more in future.

I would certainly like to assist you in whatever small capacity possible.

One thing I can do is that I can take care of all NIOS publications in
India. As long as I am serving in Book-Distribution department of ISKCON
Kolkata, I will have a Godown also, so NIOS books can be stored there.

I can also assist HG Mukund Lila pr in his initiatives related to NIOS.

Apart from this, if you need any service from me specifically, please let
me know. I would try to serve you.

I wanted you guidance on one question Maharaja, that what is the scope for
academic preaching for me, without having any higher educational degrees?
It is not so that a higher degree is required for effective academic

Your aspiring servant,
Purushottama Keshava Das


Hare Krsna!

Thank you 100-times for your phone conversation this morning and now this very precise letter. We got back to Nashville about one month ago, but there has been so much work with ISKCON Ministry of Education etc, that we could not push to contact you. You will see the other letter with news from Mukunda-lila Das.
Today it came up and we called Mukunda three times at 2.30-3.30AM and could not get through. Then we called you three times and !got through!.


Yes! We can use your expert assistance. We will talk some strategy with Dr. Samaresh. It seems that printing the book promotional brochure is a priority. We will comunicate with your esteemed self.


You do not need an exalted degree in education to work in this area. I only have a Bachelors Degree and it seems that Krsna and devotee said that is enough for the kind of work that I do.

Also, Maharani Devi Dasi was one of the cooks for our Bhakti-vedanta Institute program. I suspect that she did not know the difference between and atom and a molecule. Probably Srimati Radha-rani also does not know.

Yet, she was an excellent cook. The big Nobel Laureates would be carefully selecting different things from the breakfast or coffee-break buffet and asking here about the cooking and saying how nice it was. She would thank them and then say that the BBT books were just as nice. That was enough. They would take two or three.

Let us go to Mukunda's letter!     Thank you so much!    Without your help it would be very, very difficult to go on like this.