
7 years, 10 months ago by Bhadra Rupa d. in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Estimado maharaj Hanuman presaka Swami,

Mis reverencias a ud.

Jay Srila Prabhupada!

Queria preguntarle qud lué opina Ud de hacer  los cursos de filsoofia vaishnava en las universidades de Peru con el Florida Vedic College(FVC)?

Con el BC  de Radhadesh, no es posible y con el BC de Budapest todo es en Hungaro. Como ya tenemos un contrato entre la fundacion y el FVC desde hace 1 año, seria mas practico hacer estos cursos de filosofia cin el FVC en Peru.

Feliz Goura Purnima MaharaJ¨

Gracias y estaré al tanto de su opinion.

Su sirviente,

Bhadra Rupa das

HpS - Gracias. No puedo presentar opiniones exactos, oficial. We have been having very nice conversations with Maha-buddhi Das for several months now. He has started working with Rama-giri-dhari Das with the Goloka Foundation. I would say that you check with the National Council in Peru. I thin Catur-atma Das can put you in contact with them or other Temple Authorities.

What you are doing is a private program as far as I know, like the Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, so you are not claiming to represent official policy of ISKCON. We contacted Sesa Das and he said that he had no specific judgement on the subject.

Also, you can do things for a set period of time and then adjust as needed.

Hare Krsna.