News about meeting with professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid

7 years, 10 months ago by marcos in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!! PAMHO!! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

My professor is very happy to meet with you, i will arrange some meeting with him, is a very nice person and with lot of interest in Vedic culture. He said me that he was studying sanskrit in Oxford (oriental studies), so maybe yo have some common friends. 

I will speak with him to know about what day is possible the meeting. 

Please take a look to his curriculum vitae.

Ok thats all!! Im very happy to see you again!

Hare Krishna!

HpS - Please co-ordinate with Jayanta Das and Bhadra-sunanda Devi Dasi about the dates. Now we plan to land the 3rd. Go directly to NVM and stay until the 6th. Then we can meet with people in Mad(rid) until Sunday and then go back to NVM until we fly out on the 12th, Wednesday. Hare Krsna!!!

Get Light of the Bhagavatas. Teachings of Lord Chaitanya and our Solaris magazine (from Sunanda Devi Dasi -Bhadra Das) as you can!!!

San Kirtan.

I looked at his Curriculim Vitae. It is very nice. When did he study in Oxford??????