life's roulette

7 years, 12 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna!

Please accept my sincere obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Krsna Caitanya's sankirtan movement
All glories to you, theyir faithfull servant

Gurudeva, before i start, i have to admit that i am a big stupid rascal

HpS - ASA -- You also!

.... last two months have been really my own produced hell. i got an hernia on the belly button, i dont want to submit myself to a surgery so im doing alternative therapies... also, after you left Mexico i got separated from Sri Radha, this time is deffinetly, it has been two months now, i still missing having her support, still we could not keep standing that relationship... now i want to apologyze unto you for having promised to be a good husband and to take care of her, not knowing i was not able to fulfill that promise. i got a good job in Leon city but never showed up to sign the contract because i was depressed and didnt wanted to live at that city, i was doing it only because of the relationship. Also i missed the dates to sign up for Sociology at te UNAM university, now i will have to wait another half year, again didnt check the dates because of my depressed mind... i came to live at Cueramaro, but didn't liked it either; even though im very grateful to the devotees that helped me to come here, im now speaking to my older brother, maybe he can get me a job at the town ( Cuernavaca, where my family lives) also im speaking with my dad, same story with him, getting a job and being near to him, whatever shows to be a better option. I think i want to save laxmi so i can travel to another country, maybe start my life somewhere else...

your not worthy disciple
Krsna-kirtan das

HpS - Boom!  The witch and here mace!    Get up early and get your rounds done (well).  Then your job, career, family, body, sankirtan, will all become auspicious. How to do that? Use your intelligence to solve the problem. Ony you can do it. You have intelligence for job, school etc, so use it for this problem. Get up early and get your rounds done. Then you will be good friend to EVERYBODY.
O.K. We wait to hear news on this war!