7 years, 10 months ago by marcos in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!! Jay Srila Prabhupada!! Pamho!

 I know that you are going to come to Madrid, now im studying in my master a seminar of sanskrit, maybe i could try to arrange for you some personal interview with some of the teachers of this department or other. Maybe you can send me some information of your last academic activities (something like a curriculum vitae), and i can try to present the information to some  teachers of my university. Or if you want me to act in other way to present you please say me.

My mail is [email protected]

Hare Krishna!

HpS - Jaya. We just got the ticket. We posted it in another letter today. Our bio-data is at http://www.jayarama.us/archives/hps-bio-nios.docx. Is that O.K. Also, something on the youtube.com. Best show them the bio-data and then have them see the link for the last symposium in Peru. They, you, can find it at www.youtube.com by Searching for the Keywords, "psychology and the sacred 2016".

The Bhadra-vardhana Das / Sananda Devi Dasi have some copies of the Solaris magazine that we produced from that event. Co-ordinate the dates with them. They are arranging programs also. Maybe we can arrange a little Colloquia in one of the Institutions and discuss Psychology and the Sacred all at one time.

Mama nama Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Bhavatu nama kim?