1st year completion of my Diksha under Your Holiness

7 years, 11 months ago by Bhishambhar Gauranga Das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dandawat Pranam.

Please accept my most humble obesence. All glories to GURU and GAURANGA.

Dearest GURUMAHARAJji, I am Bishambhar Gauranga Das from Silchar (India). I wish You can recall me! {Your Superman das}

Hope You are fit and fine and have reached to USA nicely.

A year back on this very day I was given the great privilege to take initiation under You as Yours disciple. I still recall that day as the most memorable day of my life. So remembering that day, today I am mailing You. In this one year I found many love and affections from KRISHNA. I whole heartedly thank KRISHNA to allow me to serve You when You came (last month) at Silchar. Is Your new walking stick comfortable, as because it was a bit longer than Your previous stick. Hope to meet and serve You more and more as soon as possible.

Thaaaaaank Youuuu GURUMAHARAJji for allowing me to be Yours disciple and also to serve You.

Please forgive me if I am disturbing You by sending this mail.

In India a professor can register only 8 students under his/her guidance and I was the 9th student under my supervisor. Since 2015, I was not yet registered. It was this February (27th) that I was supposed to occupy one recently vacant seat. But my supervisor denied taking me as his PhD scholar. According to him my work on meteorite study was completely experimental and for these experiments I would need machines for analysis which he could not access me (as because no machines are available in my department)!! So, now I am stuck. Now I feel that I am dame big looser. I don’t know what to do. I am even confused that why KRISHNA gifted me the meteorite!

Please forgive me for sharing my materialist sorrows with You.

Yours obedient das,

Bishambhar Gauranga Das

HpS - Thank you!   I also don't know. We should be checking on the utility of our path at every step, no?  This material world is crazy and always changing. We come to this human form of life after many millions of births, so any progress we make as devotees as eternal. What ever problems you have Lord Caitanya can turn them into BIG assets. So go ahead with your attempts to connect you life with Krsna's service. Talk with local devotees and send us more news.  The cane is very , very nice!