Helping myself and others

7 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


Gurudeva. The last 2 years were very hard for me,

HpS - ASA -- For Sita, Draupadi, they had like 14-hard years in the jungle then it got worse.

but also very healing and rewarding. With my therapy, yoga, bhakti yoga. I have learned a lot and grow up a little bit I guess. With ups and downs but always trying to have iur association and other good devotees.

Nowadays I am doing vinyasa yoga and some days yoga pilates these combined with our sadhana helps a lot. Morover I have a page on facebook which is called "Armonizate con Candra" ( Harmonize with Candra). There I put some tips about relaxation, gym [gem, gym, would gimnasio] therapy etc. People come to my house.. and I give therapy there in the little cottage that we have in our garden. There I use aromatherapy there some Prabhupada's books also and I have the opportunity to preach also a litlle bit, I am starting doing also some essences that I learned in some workshops.

HpS - Sounds very nice. Don't change, just become perfect at what you are doing. I can tell you about one aroma therapy story of Prabhupada.

One of my patient is Melina Lavado, Jambavan's sister. She is now chanting some rounds and trying to follow the fastings and feastings.

We continue giving classes once a month in Wilson, Pujari once a week!

HpS - Jagannatha and Gaura-Nitai!

We renewed our contract with Alas Peruanas University , my mom and sis are ok. We basically are calm. Ulyses and Mia accompany us.

Well that's it. We are fasting nirjala until noon

Thank U for your association

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS -- Again. Don't speculate too much about how to do different things. Just work mostly on what you are doing, which sounds O.K., and how to improve it (a lot (rapidly)).  Have fun with Krsna!