Isvari report to ASA (February) little urgent

Hare Krsna SS Hanumat Presaka Swami.

Please accept my respectful humbles.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am glad your health is stable.

HpS - ASA --  Still struggling.  Main problem, now is honoring Prasad.  So often devotees WANT to cook for us, Sannyasi, but it can be a very, very delicate thing. It is like reaching into the pharmacy and just taking some medicine and giving it to somebody. Can be poison. It is better.

We have followed his tour in India; Very inspiring his work of preaching over there. Srila Prabhupada wanted mainly the people of India to develop the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad gita, and you are contributing enormously in this.

I am very grateful to be able to participate in the educational area, my faith in Krsna is increasing. This service for me is very nectar; May be I can not to big projects or become a super teacher but my dedication and passion is put there.

For the moment my activities are:

1.-There are many things to do in educational area and somehow we will continue giving our contribution, for the moment we are meeting Tarangaksi dd, abhinanda d, Isvari dd to form and educational team. We will meet for to coordinate tasks.

Our desire is also to collaborate with ASA.

2.- Apart with some devotees (disciples of you) we have formed a study group when we share experiences and achievements based on vaisnavas and current issues, we meet every 15 days, for now our main  objective is have good association.

3.- I am participating in the Nama Hatta Tulasi in preaching, here also collaborate 3 disciples of you: Ragunatha d, Jiva sakti d, Yugala kisora dd.

4.- The Centro Preaching of Lima (Wilson) asked me to collaborate organizing the role of preachers of Monday to Friday and I am doing this. Isvari dd also participates in some classes.

Of your disciples giving classes are: Tarangaksi dd, Mitravinda dd, B. Rukmini (hija de Tarangaksi and aspiring to SSHPS), Ragunatha d, Abhinanda d.

5.- Of my part, present of an educational proposal for to teach Introduction of Bhakti yoga in CP Lima (Wilson). (we are waiting an answer).

6.- In personal aspect continue preparing, improving my sadhana and study (Lad is my teacher of BV).

Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you.

Thank you verymuch for always being there for us.

with appreciation

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd.

HpS - ASA -- Thank you for your news!!  The first part of education is chanting better and better rounds. That is the basis, then we can build on that. Now we will prepare for a Canto Four Module One Review.  Please send us more news of what you all are doing. If Mathuresa Das becomes our GBC Regional Secretary, I think we can develop more systematic programs in "Merco-Norte".