Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.
Like one a.m. In the Delhi airport. Brother Ass is drinking the dregs of life dry. 45-minutes in line for check-in and security. We were chanting and dancing. People watched. Some said "Radhe".
Little leg pain, heart ache, stomach, eye ache. Mataji's upgrade seems to have got us more luggage space? But still Economy Class. This tour had been incredible. Today we flew from Kolkata to Delhi. Gave Rupees 50,000 to Sthapatyam and got a receipt and 10-copies of the magazine.
Yuddhisthira Govinda Das hosted us super excellently. We went to see Lokeschandra, Director of the Indian Council on Cultural Relations. He was impressed with our education, books and Solaris and said they can pay to send 3-5 Indian scholars to go to Peru for Art and the Sacred in 2018.
We change to our USA chip. We have international texting.