Little urgent Mathures Prabhu on board

7 years, 11 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP!

I had a nice conversation with Mathures Prabhu. He accepted to be examiner for Bhakti sastri for ISKCON Perú. We agreed to do it with a team. We'll see details later. He likes very much the idea to continue our work with ISKCON Perú. However we have to clarify some issues on the basis of acintya aveda veda tattwa. He says everything through ISKCON, I say that ISKCON and ASA can work perfectly together in a cooperative way. I don't know why administrators have this fear that doing something a little different is a deviation.

I still have this two parallel goals: work for ISKCON and work for ASA. Ultimatetly is the same porpuse. I think that we have to continue with this debate among ISKCON administrators and entrepreneurs for the sake of ISKCON development.

We can talk more when you are in USA.

Thank you very much.

ys LAD

ASA - We will write a DTC addressing this point now.