DTC 8(We)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!!!

AgtSP...   Paoho....   It is 2.36AM in room 303 of the ISKCON Kolkata Guest House.  Fan is grinding out a torturous noise, the only place to charge the cell phone and this computer is an outlet high-up on the bathroom wall, above the toilet.


Improvisational Theater.  Next lifetime we will be in Goloka???   Maybe Gokula...   ... ... Pune, Navi-mumbai, were all very successful. We met with Prof. Joe Periera who created and manages the Kripa Foundation. They help people with AIDS and chemical dependency etc. He runs one of the three Jungian Centers in India. He also was awarded the Padma Sri in like 2009.

Our vision is going pretty fast.

Respiration is not deep. We learned a LOT from joining a Sub-Mumbai Rathayatra: You CAN chant and dance from your soul. It doesn't have to be super intense, but nice, for Krsna. We applied this in chanting our Japa on the airplane. If you can chant and dance for four hours in front of Jagannatha, then certainly you chant chant and dance for two hours while sitting  on the airplane. It worked. We had to chant slower but it was deep. Like internal Kirtan.  [infernal kirtan]

Can't hear much at all on the airplane. Injun Roars!    Gotta cover your ears to chant.

= = =

This is the last week of this India Tour. Still no news from Delta. Guess we take the Pathway Through the Valley of Death (Economy Seating Alone) on the way back.

Haw!   Haw!   Hare!

we got six rounds done. we got the rhythm of this splendid kolkata temple pretty well. maybe get seven rounds done before mangala arati. then the rest during b'cari japa sanga after mangala arati. meet with doyal, purusottama, get soap and razors to shave. iron our silchar set for presidency college. get the pptx ready. meet with mukund and dr. samaresh. print the promo brochure for NIOS's books and our tickets for CCU-DEL and DEL-IAH.  hk, hk kkhh / hr, hr rrhh . . .

= = =

The Big Brown Bear would wash his hair in creek spanked water Sunday.
So bedecked he would say, "What the Heck!" and go to the Temple quite Dunday.

"Hurray Krsna!   Hurray Rama!"

 Always hear Nama Radha-Shyama!

[Battery 50%] Back to the toilet to recharge... =]]]but no, or maybe one, mosquitos. not hot. fresh water. private cave. TPP Composition Book on page 67. ]]]-  

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