DTC 5 (Su)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Navi Mumbai.
Hare Hare, Hare Krsna!!!
We are in Navi Mumbai. The area is Mumbai and Navi mumbai, then all kinds of subdivision. If we want we can re-localize society in the village, country and things can be quite nice. There can be village crafts, musical instrument makers, village, back-yard, foundery casting Kartals, scissors etc. Yes there can be televisions, Srila Prabhupada says, 2-3 dozen for the whole world.

We just smashed our foot against the leg-foot of the bed in the the middle of the side of the bed for the third time!   It is like where it should not be. This time we scraped by a piece of skin the size of a big match head. On the Vraja-mandala-parikrama it was happening all the time, foot scrapes, punctures. We learned to ignore them. Thoughts of illicit sex will trail us to the point of death because of the birth we have taken, but if we engage in devotional service they won't bother us.

The India Tour continue. Here it is 87% local temple programs. Was the same in Pune, but here we have the broader association of Rama-giri-dhari Das x MOE, Goloka Education. The new ISKCON temple here is growing 8-stories tall by 10 acres fat!  Now we are going to Rathayatra. Where ever we go people have a loud Kirtan and garland to greet us and then special seat of honor. They we have to say something extraordinary. The only justification for all this we can assume is that Srila Prabhupada has made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.   NIOS - DSB - Psychology and the Sacred work continues.