Nimsar reoort urgent

7 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


SO sorry for the delay I was a little confused about if I need to send a report or wait that  lad (Lad) does

Well straight to the point !!! Even if we try to work together as a group, still we have another [other] visions, targets and different modes on how we work, etc plus all the pressure from external people..... pfff we are seriously thinking in DISSOLVE NIMSAR and create other institution.

Our desire is to continue working in education, is the only way to learn

Thank U for iur patience and support

This is my last report as secretary. Lad told me to put that.... Personally I think that dissolve is the best option and we will back  from the ashes. With rules that all of us obey we need to work a lot in our ego. 

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

H. P. Swami - ASA -- Hare Krsna. "Last Report" - Does this mean that you are resigning as Secretary? Isvari Devi Dasi was sending the reports each Ekadasi, not the LAD. Seems that NIMSAR is a fine name for an ASA Branch in Peru, but just need to work on the: Who am I, Who are we, phase of things. Then Plans. If plans based upon personal relations require and institution like NIMSAR, if not, then yes, we can put NIMSAR on suspension.

Books are the basis. The heart of any educational institution is its library. What books are your basis?

HPSwami is based upon: NOI, LOB, TLC, Song Book and how these lead to the Bhaktivedanta Library, specifically Pada-padma. Then we are reaching out to C. G. Jung's books and other World Classical Literature.

What books are the basis of your study and teaching and preaching???