DTC 13(Fr)

7 years, 12 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama

AGTSP   paoho.  and. BW.
Here we are in Room 404. It is 7.07PM. It is chilly and dark outside. The population density of India is like six times that of Mexico and most other places also, probably. Lots of people. Arati each night is not too crowded. The Temple room is about half full. We can dance for Radharani and Govinda.

We have some aching in our chest, but it does not seem to be getting worse. Some aarhythmia. We eat Kitri, Chapati, Subji for breakfast. Little maha-fruit later and then hot milk at night.

Hmmm.   Seems to be the best cure for everything: Chant, Dancing and Feasting.

Our central work is posting Dr. Samaresh's edits to the hard copies of the articles for the book on Vedic education. It is very satisfying work. They are good books. They are Sankirtan books.

We have other stuff connected in the periphery: Peru, Bhadra-rupa, North East tour, Vraja . . . 

Nitai-gaurasundara Das texts us.

Hare Krsna....   The sun goes up, the sun goes down. This world reflects our real home-town.