Private message

8 years ago by MathuraKumari in Other

Hare Krishna 

Querido Maharaja ,  por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias . Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada . 


Atentamente , Su sirvienta , Mathura Kumari dd 

(Por favor poner como privado )

HpS - ASA --- Estimada MKDD, it is very nice to hear from you. We did not read the above part of the letter which is "..." because we are all Brahmacaris here and BG 3.16.1-3 Srila Prabhupada says, "He [a Sannyasi] is even forbidden to talk with a woman in a secluded place." So we have to correspond with ladies in the company of their fathers, husbands, or grown up brothers or sons. If that's O.K. then sen another letter but include the e-mail address of someone who can join us in the conversation.

Thank you!!