We are in the New Woodlands Hotel in Chennai, India. Maybe there is a Woodlands Hotel in England. It is pretty nice. Everywhere on the road you see restaurants broadcasting their Vegetarian cooking.
We went to Kanchi to the ancient Visnu temple. They still have some interest from local people and pilgrims, but they have descended to almost nil as respectable heads of empires and kingdoms. We are working a lot in the movie that K. Ksetra Swami is filming and of course the Srimad Bhagavata symposium. It is composed of very, very respectable scholars of the history of SB art, the relation of Mayavadi traditions with SB etc etc. Many ISKCON folk. It is a great strain to relate to many things because of the Jnana perspective of modern scholarship, but we are meeting many nice people and gaining excellent education.
Heart pains down from 71% to 15%. Wrote a letter to Delta summarizing our problems and asking to be upgaded to sleeper class on the way back. Little headache. Stomach 91% peaceful [Brother Ass reporting].
We are going over our PPTX for today. Is really a challenge presenting before some of the best scholars in the world. Hare Krsna.
Already a lot of calls from Manipur, Mayapura, Kolkata. . . We realize that our Donkey is nearly 70 Hippy, ISKCON, years old. We have to focus on a little area and learn to relate to the bigger world around us. Our job is to wash and dry the hair on the elefant's tail. but through that we can understand what they are feeding him, how they are running him...
Hare Krsna. Still hope stay in touch with the Bh.Sastri workshop and the Saturday morning workshop.
O.K. . . . 7AM and only six rounds done, but seems to be on schedule. Our physical strength is verry low but healthy and the Holy Names seem very substantial and happy.
We look for URGENT letters in the Blog, but that's all we can do now.