From: tamohara <>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: HpSwami - Anjana Suta Academy
Hare Krishna,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Sorry, I somehow missed your message. I am always happy to hear from you. Please forgive my oversight and try again!
your servant,
Tamohara das
AgtSP! Paoho.....
We also called a few times. 352 283-5844 is correct? It's just not worth a lick being devotees here in Nashville without see'n your face evry now and again.
1. This is for public display.
2. The 'Anjana Suta Academy' has been having regular work with it's NIOS branch based in Nashville. We co-sponsored a BIG program with the National Library of Peru. You can see a 1-minute and 10-minute clip of the event at with the keyword search of "Psychology and the Sacred 2016". We are being PUSHED by 5-local universities, psychology associations et al to do it again in June. In 2018 we want to involve all the resources of ISKCON in a big event there on Art and the Sacred.
3. Local Programs in Murfreesboro and Nashville are going on with Murari devotees. Kala-kanta Das came and NGD and HpS spent and entire day looking very seriously at possible houses for a permanent Gainseville type center near the Murfreesboro Campus. I think that maybe Gadi and the devotees could move to some land closer to Nashvilee and we could combine a NIOS campus with the Kirtan Valley.
4. In Peru we have a branch of ASA known as Nimsar. There are some conflicts with some parts of the local administration, but we are working very hard to get a good educational program, even including Bhakti vaibhava, going, and all is in full co-operation with Jayapataka Swami.
5. The Ministry of Education work, Primary, Pre and High School, University programs are all developing. Fourth North American Symposium on Education with ISKCON will be held in Seattle this year from about 15th -18th June. Will it fit into your Calendar?
6. Gadi Das published a nice book about his perspectives on Sankirtan. Bhakta Daniel, who had been staying there for some time and then stayed with us said that Murari was no longer an ISKCON property that it the Board of Directors had been changed. I said that probably the Officers had been changed but that the Directors, Trustees, were probably still ISKCON. What is the truth about this?
I'll send a copy of this report to Gadi Ji.
I was Hansadutta's Zonal Legal Officer etc. etc. and I panic about these things because I see they can have such catastrophic results. We got sucked into the whole problem with Kesava Swami and the Board of Directors in Miami because of mistakes they mafe there.
There are lot more details but that is our Bi-annual Report for the 'Anjana Suta Academy', one of the foremost branches of ISKCON:
Will you be in our neck of the woods soon?
Will we see you at the SGGS in Mayapura?
Thank you everyone.
H. P. Swami