SGGS Plans

8 years ago by hps in Special Category A
<dl><dd id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1482942340386_5700">

Dec 27 at 7:43 PM

</dd></dl><dl id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1482942340386_5622" role="presentation"><dt aria-hidden="true">From: Braja Bihari (das) BJD (Vrindavana - IN)</dt><dt aria-hidden="true" id="hdr-to">To: HpS (HHR)
CC: Anuttama (das) ACBSP (IC N.America)
Dear Maharaja,</dt></dl>


The first sanga was indeed the GBC basically communicating where their strategic plan was at. And we got a lot of feedback that attendees didn't feel that first sanga met its potential. 

The second sanga got rave reviews by just about everyone who attended. 

This next one I'm helping to organize (as I did the last one), and a lot of the discussions will be around looking at the future of our Society and the direction this group of leaders wishes to see us go in. I think it will be fulfilling and lots of good association!

There's no one really "presenting" at this event. 

Ys, Vraj Vihari dasa